The Best Route for Paul DeGroot

When last seen publicly precisely a month ago, Republican Paul DeGroot was ending a spirited, although unsuccessful, campaign in CD-11.
The results had to be a bit jarring. DeGroot lost by 19 points to Mikie Sherrill.
It's a funny thing about politics, though, election losses can become springboards to future campaigns.
Like what?
Rumors reverberating in Morris County Republican politics have DeGroot possibly seeking state or county office.
He lives in Montville, which puts him in LD-26. This is a newly-constructed district, but it remains very strongly Republican.
The incumbents in the new LD-26 are Senator Joseph Pennacchio and Assembly members Brian Bergen and Jay Webber. They are already issuing press releases trumpeting endorsements from party leaders and county committee members.
This primary is still about six months away, but things are not as distant as they seem.
The Morris County Republican convention is in early March.
Clearly, the incumbents seek to rack up as much support as possible and scare away any challengers.
Nonetheless, BettyLou DeCroce, a former Assemblywoman who lost her seat in 2021, is widely expected to run again. There is no love lost between her and Webber.
But will she run with anyone else?
That's where DeGroot's name comes up.
Moreover, he also has been mentioned as a possible candidate for Morris County commissioner where the incumbent is Tayfun Selen, the current board director.
Selen as well has been hyping his support from committee members and other Republicans.
Any contest between DeGroot and Selen would be something like the second game of a doubleheader. They previously ran against each other for the CD-11 nomination last spring, but not head to head.
Selen had gotten the CD-11 endorsement of the county's Republican committee, but lost the primary to DeGroot in what was a five-person race. DeGroot's victory was propelled by a massive win in the Passaic County part of the district. DeGroot is a native of Clifton and a former Passaic County assistant prosecutor.
DeGroot's Passaic ties, of course, would not help him in a race for Morris commissioner.
Asked about all this, DeGroot provided a statement:
"I sincerely appreciate the support I have received from within the Republican Party, and of the interest that was expressed regarding my plans for the future. I am proud that people within the party observed my dedication and the campaign we ran.
"I look forward to helping our party grow in size and strength while at the same time, helping the people of New Jersey. Currently, I am contemplating how best to accomplish this goal."
How would you translate that?
How about:
"I'm ready to run again, but I don't know yet for what office."
His run was invisible. I told him so, he was nonexistent. No one really got to know him and no one knew anything about him OR what he stood for! The Democratic money waterfall made Sherrill appear to be the best thing since sliced bread. Mikey Sherrill bipartisan? Give me a break.
Before Paul decides to run for office again, maybe he should consider conceding? Last I checked he STILL hasn't admitted he lost to Rep. Sherrill (staggering 19 points). How can a sore loser like that seriously think he is qualified for further attempts at public office??