Bhalla for Congress Launches Its First Television and Streaming Ads

Hoboken Mayor Bhalla

The Ravi Bhalla for Congress campaign today unveiled its first television and streaming ads. The two 30 second spots tout Ravi Bhalla’s accomplishments as mayor of Hoboken and touch on his top Congressional priorities.

The spots are part of a six-figure ad buy in English and Spanish and began streaming on March 28. They are produced by Break Something.

The scripts are provided below: Here are the ads: Spot 1:Get to Work:  Ravi Bhalla "Get To Work" 30s

Spot 2:  Ravi Bhalla "Trust" 30s




Spot 1 - Get to Work


Ravi: My parents came here as immigrants from India, in search of a better life.


As a civil rights attorney, I fought discrimination to make lives better.


My first act as mayor of Hoboken was taking on Trump when he attacked immigrants.


I took action to address flooding. And led our economic recovery.


I’m Ravi Bhalla.


A Democrat running for Congress to get things done.


And I approve this message because it’s time to get to work.



Spot 2 - Trust


Narrator, Voiceover: Ravi Bhalla gets things done.


As Hoboken’s mayor, Ravi actually fought climate change.

He sued big oil.


And tackled flooding.


All while leading our economic recovery.

Ravi took on Trump’s hate and declared Hoboken “a welcome city for all.”


In Congress, we can trust Ravi to stand up to the MAGA Republicans, because he’s done it before. Ravi will protect abortion rights and defend our democracy.


[Ravi:] I’m Ravi Bhalla and I approve this message.

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