Bhalla: Hoboken Nears 100 COVID-19 Cases as of Sunday

Hoboken Mayor Bhalla

An update from Mayor Ravi Bhalla:

For the past few weeks, Hoboken and the rest of our region has been living under a State of Emergency.  Together we are establishing new ways to educate our children, feed our families, and provide care for our seniors. Together we are working to keep our small businesses IN business and their employees with the financial means to care for their families. It takes an entire village to rise to this occasion and Hoboken will continue to do its part and lead by example because that is who we are. Hobokenites like all New Jerseayeans are tough, we are undeterred, and we are up for any challenge. As we embark on a new week and potentially new challenges, I want to thank everyone for their patience, their understanding, and their willingness to support our community.  From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

11 New COVID-19 Cases Today

We continue to see an increase in cases in Hoboken, with 11 individuals testing positive for COVID-19 in Hoboken today. We now have 96 confirmed cases in Hoboken. Unfortunately, with the apex not projected to hit for another few weeks, and with expanded testing ability, we are likely to see an even greater amount of confirmed cases in the coming days.  Thank you so much to the Hoboken Health Department who has been working around the clock this weekend to meet the demand of additional positive cases.

We are actively taking measures to flatten the curve and will continue to provide updates on these efforts. As always, the best way to stay safe is to stay indoors as much as possible in self-isolation. When leaving your home for any reason, assume that everyone you come into contact with could have COVID-19, maintain at least 6 feet of distance from other people through social distancing, and wash your hands and sanitize frequently.

Park Closures

Earlier today, I announced a closure of all Hoboken parks and dog runs beginning Monday, March 30. This difficult decision was made on the advice from medical experts and is intended to keep Hoboken residents healthy and save lives. I know this is very inconvenient to dog owners, many of whom have expressed understandable frustration today about the new regulations. However, despite many residents and dog owners practicing responsible behavior, the parks and dog runs have at times been an unavoidable place of congregation. This behavior puts our residents and most vulnerable populations at risk. I know this will be hard, but this is a sacrifice that we all must now make, in order to keep Hoboken residents alive. I ask all residents, even if you do not agree with the decision and are inconvenienced, to please understand the health and well being of every resident is the reason why we made this choice.

Modified Path Schedule

As of March 29, 2020, PATH will be running on a modified schedule throughout the week until further notice. This change ensures service is maintained and aligned with COVID-19 precautionary measures and public safety. Please check the RidePATH app for real-time train information, planned service changes and alerts. Visit for planned service changes and alerts.

Donate Meals to our First Responders

The Hoboken Police and Fire Departments, along with our Volunteer Ambulance Corps are working around the clock to keep us all safe during this challenging time.  Now more than ever is when they need our support and our generosity.  I want to thank all the Hoboken residents who have already donated meals to our first responders, I am consistently blown away by the giving spirit in our community.  If you would like to schedule a meal donation to any of our first responders, please contact Detective Sergeant, Jonathan Mecka at

Message from Hoboken Superintendent Dr. Christine Johnson on Meal Program Offered at Hoboken High School

In today's Herald newsletter from Hoboken Public School District, Superintendent Dr. Johnson notes that the "Grab & Go" breakfast and lunch program will continue each week, including the week of Spring Break (April 10-17). This program has been expanded FOR ALL FAMILIES IN NEED OF MEAL SERVICE, whether or not your child qualifies for free or reduced lunch. Meal service continues to be available from 8:30-10:30am at the 9th Street side door of the Hoboken High School cafeteria, between Clinton and Grand Streets. Thank you so much to Dr. Johnson and the Hoboken Public School District for all that they are doing to support Hoboken families during this time of need.

Finally, please remember that during this time, while you are home, reach out to friends and family.  Check in on each other, video chat an old friend, write a letter to neighbor.  Rearrange your apartment, learn a new craft, or binge watch a new show.  I recognize how challenging this all is, but I am confident that we will come through this stronger than we were before.

All the best,

Ravi S. Bhalla


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