Bhalla Update: Hoboken Has 116 COVID-19 Cases Total as of Tuesday

Below is a message from Mayor Bhalla for Hoboken residents:
With personal protective equipment (PPE) in short supply across the country, I’ve been so impressed with our residents and businesses sewing or donating masks for our first responders. One local business that deserves recognition is City Paint and Ace Hardware, which donated over 400 N95 masks in their inventory to the Hoboken University Medical Center, Volunteer Ambulance Corps, and Office of Emergency Management. Even though those supplies are in high demand within the store, they’re committed first and foremost to the health and safety of Hoboken, and for that I’m grateful.
8 new COVID-19 cases today
The Hoboken Health Department reported an additional 8 new COVID-19 cases, for a total of 116 in Hoboken. As always, the Hoboken Health Department conducts an investigation to ensure all those in contact with the individuals enter into self-quarantine.
Designated hours at Trader Joe’s
Trader Joe’s has modified the store policy for seniors and vulnerable populations, which are now set between 8 am and 9 am (previously, the reserved hours were 9 am until 10 am). Instead of just getting preferential treatment in line at Trader Joe’s, the 8 am – 9 am hour will be set only for seniors and vulnerable people, without the general public permitted inside. I thank Trader Joe’s for these designated hours, and for continuing their policy of a 50-person capacity in the store.
New hours at ShopRite
Starting Friday, April 3, ShopRite will close at 8:00 pm instead of midnight. It will continue to have senior hours between 7 am and 8 am each day of the week.
Helping those in need at the supermarket
Many low-income families dependent on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) receive their benefits on the first of each month and use them at the supermarket. With more children home from school, many of these families have used the benefits more quickly than usual and have been waiting to head to the supermarket to buy food. If you can hold off supermarket trips for the first three days of April, I know those families would very much appreciate it. And if you have to go to buy groceries, please do not buy items identified with a “WIC shelf tag” as those are the only goods covered by the benefits. Thank you to everyone for your understanding and consideration.
Reminder – parties prohibited
Unfortunately, we’ve received reports of social gatherings and parties in Hoboken over the past few days. Social gatherings and parties over five people are strictly prohibited. If you observe a party or know of one happening, I ask you to please call the Hoboken Police Department at 201-420-2100 as soon as possible. I want to be clear – COVID-19 can have devastating effects for young people, who are not immune from the virus. If you’re having a party – know that the Hoboken Police Department will crash it and hold all participants accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
Daycares serving as emergency child care centers permitted to be open
On March 14, we announced the closure of all daycares in Hoboken as a proactive measure to help combat the spread of COVID-19. Today, Governor Murphy issued an Executive Order permitting certain registered daycares in various municipalities to open starting April 1. These daycares are only permitted to serve as emergency daycares for children of essential workers only. Essential workers include health care workers, law enforcement, fire and emergency services personnel, staff at correctional facilities, individuals employed at emergency child care centers operating after April 1, staff working for entities that provide essential social services, essential government employees who are unable to work from home, and certain critical workers defined in the Governor’s Executive Order number 107.
The following Hoboken daycares are now permitted by New Jersey to be open on April 1 for children of essential workers:
A While New World Academy: (721 Washington Street, 0-6 year olds)
Boys & Girls Club (123 Jefferson Street, 6-13 year olds)
Smart Start Academy (522 9th Street, 0-13 year olds)
The Learning Experience (900 Monroe Street, 0-13 year olds)
Shredding event canceled
The paper shredding event originally scheduled for April 4 in partnership with the Hudson County Improvement Authority has been indefinitely postponed.
Two webinars for businesses
To help small businesses navigate new opportunities available through the State in response to COVID-19, the New Jersey Tech Council (NJTC), which merged with Hoboken based organization Propelify, is hosting two free online webinars. All Hoboken businesses are invited to participate.
- Thursday, April 2nd, 11am-12pm: NJTC Webinar: Q+A with Tim Sullivan, CEO of NJ Economic Developer Authority. The webinar will review the NJEDA’s new programs designed to financially support businesses and workers facing economic hardship due to the outbreak of Covid-19. Before the webinar, please review information and eligibility requirements at Please register here to participate:
- Thursday, April 2nd, 1-2pm: NJTC Webinar: CARES Act Explained with Former Senator Barbara Boxer. This webinar will introduce the highlights of the federal bill and discuss how it can be utilized by business owners to best mitigate any risks and damage caused by Covid-19. Please register here to participate:
NJ Transit cross honoring
According to New Jersey Transit, beginning April 1, NJ Transit bus tickets and passes are being cross-honored on all NJ Transit rail lines to increase travel options for bus customers. Customers should be using all public transportation services for essential travel only.
Street cleaning suspended
As a reminder, street cleaning is suspended through at least April 3.
Food delivery
If you’re a resident that is quarantined or self-isolated with COVID-19 or suspected COVID-19, our CERT team is available to help deliver food and groceries to your home. Please call 201-420-5620 and we can provide you with assistance.
City Council meeting on Wednesday
The regularly scheduled Hoboken City Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 1 at 7:00 pm. Like the last meeting, the Council will hold the meeting virtually through the “Zoom” platform as opposed to in person at City Hall. The meeting will be streamed online through Facebook Live on the City of Hoboken Facebook page ( If you would like to make a comment, statement, or pose a question prior to the meeting, please email the Hoboken City Clerk at or call 201-420-2000 ext. 2004.
To comment during the meeting on the Zoom platform, please use the following link: or call 646-558-8656 (meeting ID 370276097)
Thank you,
Ravi S. Bhalla
The statewide COVID-19 case count is 22,255 as of Wednesday afternoon, with 355 fatalities total.
COVID-19 Cases by County
Data is provisional and subsequent to revision.
4,512 Positives Pending Further Information
Bergen County:
3,494 Positive Test Result(s)
75 Deaths
Essex County:
2,262 Positive Test Result(s)
69 Deaths
Hudson County:
1,910 Positive Test Result(s)
29 Deaths
Union County:
1,661 Positive Test Result(s)
29 Deaths
Passaic County:
1,494 Positive Test Result(s)
15 Deaths
Middlesex County:
1,493 Positive Test Result(s)
27 Deaths
Monmouth County:
1,301 Positive Test Result(s)
24 Deaths
Ocean County:
1,209 Positive Test Result(s)
23 Deaths
Morris County:
942 Positive Test Result(s)
25 Deaths
Somerset County:
472 Positive Test Result(s)
15 Deaths
Mercer County:
333 Positive Test Result(s)
3 Deaths
Camden County:
289 Positive Test Result(s)
3 Deaths
Burlington County:
255 Positive Test Result(s)
5 Deaths
Sussex County:
158 Positive Test Result(s)
6 Deaths
Gloucester County:
149 Positive Test Result(s)
2 Deaths
Hunterdon County:
117 Positive Test Result(s)
0 Deaths
Warren County:
96 Positive Test Result(s)
3 Deaths
Atlantic County:
40 Positive Test Result(s)
0 Deaths
Cumberland County:
27 Positive Test Result(s)
1 Deaths
Cape May County:
22 Positive Test Result(s)
0 Deaths
Salem County:
19 Positive Test Result(s)
1 Deaths