Bhalla Update: Hoboken Tops 150 COVID-19 Cases as of Thursday


Below is an update from Mayor Ravi S. Bhalla for Hoboken residents:

In the very near future, residents (with COVID-19 symptoms) will have access to a testing center in Hoboken. We’ve been working diligently today in laying out all the logistical details to get this testing up and running as soon as possible. Before this opens to the public, I want to take a moment to extend my gratitude to Dr. Gaurang Brahmbhatt from Riverside Medical Center, who will be conducting the testing for all symptomatic residents in Hoboken, and not just Riverside’s patients. From the very beginning, Riverside was ready and willing to offer their medical services to all of our residents if we were able to obtain additional testing, which we did today by contracting with a private provider of testing kits. This service will be offered free of charge to all Hoboken residents. On behalf of all of Hoboken – thank you to Dr. Brahmbhatt and the Riverside team for extending your services to our residents.  This is a public-private partnership that we hope will literally save lives.

Another loss for Hoboken

I’m saddened that we recently lost Hoboken’s second resident due to COVID-19. Carmen Rivera, the mother of Hoboken Police Detectives John and Fabien Quinones passed away yesterday at the Hoboken University Medical Center. Earlier today, I called and spoke to the family to send my deepest condolences and mourn with them and the entire Hoboken PD for the tragic loss.

The Hoboken Police Department also had its second confirmed positive COVID-19 case, a Detective who lives outside of Hudson County. The Detective has no worked since March 20 and is recovering at home. The individuals that work with him are self-quarantined as a precaution and are showing no symptoms.  I also called and spoke to this officer to offer my support on behalf of the City.

23 confirmed cases today of COVID-19

Today, Hoboken had 23 new confirmed cases of COVID-19, for a total of 152 cases. The Hoboken Health Department continues to monitor all individuals testing positive and instructing all those in contact with them to self-quarantine. As cases grow, Lynette, Nancy and staff from our Health Office continue to work around the clock every day to document and instruct residents, and I thank them once again for everything they do.

More important than ever before to stay home as much as possible

I want to double down on what I mentioned in yesterday’s update regarding COVID-19 symptoms. As a reminder, you may be infected with COVID-19, but not even know it and have no symptoms. Leaving your home and accidently bumping into someone on the street, touching a railing at the store, being too close to a friend you’re talking to (even if you think you’re social distancing) and other routine activities could literally lead to someone else, including seniors, those with pre-existing conditions, and others catching COVID-19. The only true way we can truly protect ourselves, and especially those more prone to dying after catching it, is to stay home as much as possible.

Personal Protective Equipment

I’m grateful to everyone who has donated or created their own masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) for our medical professionals and first responders. With the national shortage of PPE, we continue to seek donations. If you have PPE, please contact Brian O’Nieal from our Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) at as we are collecting donations at City Hall. Dr. Brahmbhatt also asked me for additional PPE for Riverside Medical as they expand their testing to the Hoboken public because they anticipate greater shortages.

Hoboken Business Alliance

The Hoboken Business Alliance (HBA) continues to regularly update their new website ( for the latest available resources for small businesses, including links to directly apply for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) through the new federal stimulus package, and the Small Business Emergency Assistance Grant Program through the New Jersey Economic Development Agency (NJEDA). Thank you to all the HBA members for this valuable resource.

Hoboken CERT Team recognized by FEMA

Congratulations to all members of our Hoboken CERT team for being recognized at the national level by the Federal Emergency Management Agency for their work in responding to COVID-19. As we open up the Riverside Medical testing center to all symptomatic Hoboken residents, our CERT volunteers will be answering the phones to help screen and schedule COVID-19 tests. This is a major undertaking, and the testing wouldn’t be possible without their efforts. Thanks again to all CERT volunteers.

Rent increases temporarily suspended in rent-controlled apartments

Last night, the Hoboken City Council passed our proposal to prevent rent increases in rent-controlled apartments during and two months after the State of Emergency due to COVID-19. Tenants are still obligated to pay their rent on a timely basis as per their lease, however landlords of these rent-controlled apartments aren’t permitted to add a rent increase during this time period. Resident in the rent-controlled apartments, many of whom are struggling financially due to COVID-19, now have the peace of mind that their rent will not be increased for the near future. Hoboken is here to help tenants during these difficult times, and I thank Councilman Russo and Councilwoman Jabbour for co-sponsoring this important legislation.

Tenants or landlords with questions about the new regulations, including whether or not a specific apartment is rent controlled, should call the Hoboken Rent Leveling Office at (201) 420-2396 between 9 am until 4 pm on weekdays, or email

Hoboken earns $640,000 for CDBG programming

I’m pleased to share that Hoboken was awarded an additional $640,000 from the federal stimulus bill for our Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programming. Each year, Hoboken awards federal funding to various non-profits and organizations serving low and moderate income families and populations. This additional funding, on top of our normal allocation, will help fund these Hoboken organizations as we recover from COVID-19 and rebuild after this crisis. I’m very grateful to the advocacy of Senator Menendez, Senator Booker and Congressman Sires who fought hard for these additional dollars for Hoboken.

Street sweeping suspended next week

As an update, street sweeping is suspended next week through April 10.  And, the Hoboken Parking Utility (HPU) will be continuing to offer discounted parking for medical professionals at Hoboken University Medical Center. Those medical professionals should call the HPU at 201-653-1919.

As mandated by Police Sgt. William Montanez, the Director of the Office of Emergency Management, which makes the final call during a State of Emergency, all other parking regulations, including meters, continue to remain in effect throughout the entire City to help turnover in front of essential businesses including doctor offices, supermarkets, pharmacies and more.

New tenant advocate contact information

We continue to offer free legal advice for Hoboken tenants related to their tenancy. If you need this service from Hoboken’s Tenant Advocate, Andrew Sobel, Esq., an updated phone number and email has been set up to create an appointment. Residents should now email or call 201-470-6233 to schedule an appointment with Mr. Sobel.

As always, thank you Hoboken for your support.


Mayor Ravi S. Bhalla

The statewide COVID-19 total is 29,895 cases and 646 fatalities as of Friday, April 3rd, an increase of 4,372 new cases and 113 fatalities since Thursday.

COVID-19 Cases by County
Data is provisional and subject to revision.

4,808 Positives Pending Further Information

4 Deaths Pending Further Information

Bergen County:

4866 Positive Test Result(s)

132 Deaths

Essex County:

3067 Positive Test Result(s)

118 Deaths

Hudson County:

2835 Positive Test Result(s)

59 Deaths

Union County:

2487 Positive Test Result(s)

45 Deaths

Passaic County:

2216 Positive Test Result(s)

34 Deaths

Middlesex County:

2125 Positive Test Result(s)

56 Deaths

Monmouth County:

1743 Positive Test Result(s)

48 Deaths

Ocean County:

1685 Positive Test Result(s)

45 Deaths

Morris County:

1298 Positive Test Result(s)

43 Deaths

Somerset County:

641 Positive Test Result(s)

23 Deaths

Mercer County:

484 Positive Test Result(s)

5 Deaths

Camden County:

406 Positive Test Result(s)

7 Deaths

Burlington County:

367 Positive Test Result(s)

9 Deaths

Sussex County:

210 Positive Test Result(s)

8 Deaths

Gloucester County:

183 Positive Test Result(s)

3 Deaths

Warren County:

149 Positive Test Result(s)

3 Deaths

Hunterdon County:

148 Positive Test Result(s)

0 Deaths

Atlantic County:

72 Positive Test Result(s)

1 Deaths

Cape May County:

44 Positive Test Result(s)

0 Deaths

Cumberland County:

36 Positive Test Result(s)

1 Deaths

Salem County:

25 Positive Test Result(s)

2 Deaths

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