Biden - and the Country - Need a Knockout Blow on Tuesday

What can possibly be said about this election that has not been said a by factor of how many thousands? Nothing. Analysts far more knowledgeable than I have examined the polls and are coming to their well reasoned conclusions.
I was one who was never particularly taken by Joe Biden though I respected him and have a fair amount in common with him. Rather, for me, it was always, and remains, about getting rid of Donald Trump.
Without belaboring it, he is an abomination. The man is grotesquely mean-spirited and he appeals to the most virulent racism in our country. A disgraceful President. More could be said but it's known by all even, especially by many of those who support him. Which is confounding.
But politics is nothing if not humbling and it's the case, and it's been the case, that somewhere around 42% of Americans are solidly with Trump. To some, to me, this is astounding but " judge not less ye be judged ". Politics in the biggest, the most impossibly diverse, the most raucous, the most complex democracy in the world is loaded with unknown currents and cross-currents, and undisclosed aspirations and grievances. Elections in America are the place where it's all aired out. We should never lose sight of the fact that , despite all this, we are all Americans and we will need each other, to be again one people, sooner than later. Our Union will prevail against those who would break us.
It is also rare that an incumbent President, who followed the opposite party, as did Trump, is defeated for re -election. Only President Carter since 1900. So Biden's task was a big one. A very big one. I think he's done a real good job of leading the fight. Much better than many anticipated. He's clearly not the "worst candidate in the history of America ", is he? Warts and all, the guy entered the arena and was more than a match for the bully Trump who never laid a glove on him.
So watching this thing unfold, I've come to appreciate Biden as being the perfect candidate to beat Trump. I don't think any of the other Democrats would have done as well. Biden is the Un -Trump. He is capable, caring, likeable, unthreatening, and compassionate. He stayed the course. He sustained his acceptance among the great and discordant coalition of those bound together not just by their abhorrence for Trump but for a their love and passion for America.
So I predict a Biden victory in my gut. Four years ago, in mid - September, I knew Hillary was in trouble. It was too close. Her campaign too messed up. It was all too tired. Too much Clinton, too much Obama. Too much of all that. All the " real" energy was with Trump. This time Trump has been underwater since the conventions; enduring the worst September in Election Year history and completely screwing up the Covid pandemic.
I am hoping for an early decisive result on the night November 3rd or the next few days so it can be put to rest. I do worry about the Supreme Court as that has been Trump's fail-safe. The country could use a knockout blow on Tuesday. For all our sakes . Then a fresh start, with faith anew.
Bernard "Bernie" Kenny of Hoboken is the former senator from LD33.
A fine analysis by the sagacious Senator. Lets hope you're right.