Bill to Legalize Marijuana in New Jersey Clears Senate Budget Committee

TRENTON -  The Senate Budget Committee this afternoon released the historic S2703, otherwise nown as the New Jersey Marijuana Legalization Act, which would legalize possession and personal use of marijuana for persons age 21 and over and creates the Division of Marijuana Enforcement and licensing structure.

The vote was 7-4-2.

[caption id="attachment_29141" align="alignright" width="150"] Scutari[/caption]

Fifteen-year legislative veteran Senator Nick Scutari (D-20) authored the bill.

He supported it, of course.

"I thank you for your open-mindedness," Scutari said. "Even those who voted no, I think I can get you there."

A local prosecutor, Scutari called the illegalization of marijuana a continuing travesty of justice.

"The racial disparity is remarkable, just unbelievable," said the Linden-based senator.

The probation of marijuana started intentionally as a way to target minorities, he added, before voting yes on his bill.

"Marijuana is a drug but it is a non-addictive drug," he explained.

Not everyone voted yes.

[caption id="attachment_7725" align="alignleft" width="150"] Oroho[/caption]

"I hope this is not a budget fix issue. I do think the cost - both social and economic - is being understated." Senator Steve Oroho (R-24) said.

He voted no.

So did Senator Anthony Bucco (R-25) and Senator Sam Thompson (R-12).

Senator Dawn Addiego (R-8) and Senator Declan O'Scanlon voted no.

So did Senator Paul Sarlo (D-36).

He spoke to the bill.

"I'm sure there are going to be changes and more debate along the way," said the Budget Chairman.

[caption id="attachment_4339" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Senator Sarlo[/caption]

"I don't believe we are there yet in New Jersey to legalize marijuana but out of respect I'm going to abstain at this time," added Sarlo, who came in as a no vote, he said.

Members identified the 26-member panel - occupied by both members of the senate and the assembly - as the largest in memory.

"This isn't a budget deal," Senate President Steve Sweeney  (D-3) told Oroho. "We wanted to start

[caption id="attachment_39930" align="alignright" width="150"] Sweeney[/caption]

moving this ball.

"I am a yes vote," Sweeney added. "I think it's time we came into  the 21st Century.

Having been unsure at the start of today's testimony, she said, Senator Sandra Cunningham (D-31) registered a yes vote.

Senator M. Teresa Ruiz (D-29) also voted yes.

"This is the first step to having an open dialogue," Ruiz said. "I'm looking forward to seeing how the discussion continues. ...It is a step in the right direction."

Senator Vin Gopal (D-11) backed the bill.

[caption id="attachment_5285" align="alignleft" width="150"]Singleton Singleton[/caption]

So did Senator Pat Diegnan (D-18).

"Unequivocally yes," Diegnan said. "Drug dealers are going to suddenly be out of business. It is not an addictive drug."

So did Senator Troy Singleton (D-7).

"There is one arrest for cannabis every 48 seconds. In the expanse before I get done speaking there will be an arrest maybe two," Singleton said. "Prohibition has failed."




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