Bob Menendez Alert to the Political Consequences of Impeachment, But...
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ATLANTIC CITY - Set to address an overflow capacity crowd at the Democratic State Committee
[caption id="attachment_65935" align="alignright" width="300"] Menendez[/caption]
Convention, senior U.S. senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) considered the political ramifications of the possible impeachment of President Donald J. Trump.
Are you at all concerned about Trump becoming a sympathetic figure as a consequence of the impeachment investigation, InsiderNJ asked Menendez.
"This is obviously a potential risk but when one raises their hand and takes the oath of office to the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, you swear an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States government," the senator said. "You don't take an oath to defend it when it is politically convenient."
For the senator's full response, please see the video below:
Menendez gave his remarks to reporters a few hours before a scheduled speech to the conference by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who earlier this week announced her intentions to open an impeachment inquiry into President Trump.
A party-like atmosphere prevailed in the Avalon Ballroom, where Democrats crammed against Democrats at a big buffet-style event, with more people barreling through the doorways to find seats, presumably for the remainder of the conference, lest they lose them.
Essex County Chief of Staff Phil Alagia wandered the room in full-blown networking mode. He's a North Jersey ally aligned with that part of the party controlled by embattled South Jersey Power Broker George Norcross III.
Chairs and their allies filled the room, interspersed with progressive types and close, regional allies of Democratic State Party Committee Chairman John Currie.
Ultimately it was Currie's expansive room as the crowd awaited Pelosi.