Booker: [Ford] Came Here to Tell 'Her Truth'

U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) this evening tried to get Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to back away from assertions the judge made about the politicized nature of the hearing as they pertain to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who testified against him.
"Are you calling her some kind of political operative?" Booker quizzed the embattled Kavanaugh, who earlier today tearfully pushed back against Ford's charge that he publicly assaulted her when the pair were in high school.
"You have problems with the senators up here, but you are not saying she is a pawn?" the senator asked.
"My family has no ill will toward her," Kavanaugh said.
"Do you wish she never came forward?"
"The witnesses who were there say it didn't happen," the nominee said. "We bear no ill will toward her."
"She came forward. She sat here. She told her truth," said Booker, rushed for time.
Earlier in the same segment this evening the junior senator from New Jersey got Kavanaugh to admit that he drank on weeknights when he was in college.
So, Senator Groper can determine who telling the truth and who isn't? How about his book? Is that the truth? What a zero!