Booker Jabs at 'Bully" Cornyn; Dares Him to Try to Expel Him from Senate

In the chamber outside the ongoing Kavanaugh hearing, U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) denounced U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) as all hat and no cattle.
"A lot of talk and no action," said Booker, poking at Cornyn as a "bully senior senator."
The U.S. Senator from New Jersey defended his decision to proceed with unreleased emails pertaining to Kavanaugh's nomination even under Cornyn's threat of expulsion.
"This whole thing is a sham," Booker said, referring to his initial argument about Republicans withholding key documents relevant to Kavanaugh.
"It wont stand up to public scrutiny and common sense," he added. "I stand on strong moral grounds. I stand on constitutional grounds, and I stand with the folks of New Jersey."
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