Booker Statement on Trump Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued the following statement:
“There is so much at stake in this moment. Hanging in the balance is the future of the Affordable Care Act and health coverage for millions of Americans in the middle of a pandemic; a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions, protected by Roe v. Wade; and the future of worker protections, voting rights, civil rights, clean air and water, and much more.
“When someone tells you who they are, believe them. President Trump pledged to only nominate justices to the Supreme Court who will overturn Roe v. Wade. He’s asked the Supreme Court to overturn the Affordable Care Act. He’s nominated justices who have put corporate interests over the interests of workers and consumers. With the Supreme Court set to hear arguments in November on the future of the ACA, Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination is being rushed through the Senate in time to strike it down. Her record and her words make clear exactly what she will do on the court, and it’s unacceptable to me and the vast majority of the American people.
“After spending the better part of a year refusing to even hold a hearing on President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee because he was nominated in an election year, let alone vote on his confirmation, President Trump’s Senate allies are rushing this nominee forward while Americans are already voting in this November’s election. President Trump has repeatedly said he is counting on his nominee to vote in his favor in any election cases that might reach the Supreme Court later this year. That’s not the way democracy is supposed to work in America.
“The Supreme Court is facing a crisis of legitimacy, precipitated by the President’s and Senate Republicans’ pursuit of power at all costs. This crisis will be further deepened if they succeed in confirming a justice through this rushed, cynical, and partisan confirmation process.”
Once again, Booker is selective on applying the Constitution. Nothing in the Constitution references time frames or waiting for the President or nominee you prefer. Sorry Senator, you can't take the ball and go home. I just hope we do not have a reprise of Spartacus and his tears of rage. The Emmys have already been awarded this year. Booker is on his way to becoming just another Jersey Political Joke (like Christie and Christy). By the way, you say all women must be believed, but apparently that didn't apply to Katie Brennan. Just another camera seeking hypocrite. What an embarrassment!
Thank you, Senator Cory Booker Your statement clearly and precisely expresses the deep disregard this administration has for the majority of American citizens. It is so important to truly understand why the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett and it’s future consequences are viewed with such dismay.