Booker Suspends his 2020 Presidential Campaign
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Cory Booker this morning formally opted out of the 2020 presidential race.
The junior senator from New Jersey and former mayor of Newark ran up against the money factor and had to take a knee prior to what he hoped would be a competitive showing in early primary states despite what the polls showed.
"Nearly one year ago, I got in the race for president because I believed to my core that the answer to the common pain Americans are feeling right now, the answer to Donald Trump’s hatred and division, is to reignite our spirit of common purpose to take on our biggest challenges and build a more just and fair country for everyone," Booker wrote in an email to his supporters.
"I’ve always believed that. I still believe that. I’m proud I never compromised my faith in these principles during this campaign to score political points or tear down others. And maybe I’m stubborn, but I’ll never abandon my faith in what we can accomplish when we join together.
"I will carry this fight forward -- I just won’t be doing it as a candidate for president this year," he added.
Booker received considerable praise for his performance in debates but seldom registered above two percent in polling, which prevented him from manning the stage as the contest intensified.
His run was complicated by the fact that he's running for reelection this year in New Jersey.
A variation on the following message went out today:
"Cory ran for president as a uniter and a healer and a uniter and still believes that’s what our country needs right now. These are the same things he’s championed his entire career and Cory refused to compromise them to score political points or tear down others.
"Cory has always said he got in the race to win, and wouldn’t continue if there’s no path to victory.
"We’ve reached the point where we need more money to scale up and continue building a campaign that can win -- money that is harder to raise having been blocked from the next debate stage and with urgent business of impeachment rightly keeping him in Washington.
"So Cory has chosen to suspend his campaign now, take care of his staff, and give his supporters time to consider the other choices in the field.
"Cory will run for re-election to the Senate and continue doing what he always has: run at the toughest challenges and build uncommon coalitions to deliver more justice and opportunity for everyone."
Reality finally caught up with Booker. The whole nation now knows that he is just another empty suit. Spouting off on the issue-du-jour with faux outrage and no answers, no solutions, no action.
So sorry to read of this news. I was with Senator Booker from the beginning. His combination of brains and empathy were exactly what the country needed to heal from the age of Trump. I am ready to enthusiastically support Cory for re-election as our Senator. As an aside the DNC needs to do some soul searching how quality candidates like Senator Cory Booker and Senator Kamala Harris cannot find a space on the stage (literally) while other rich guys can buy a place there.