Booker: 'We will Hold Putin and the Kremlin Accountable'


Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement:

“Just five years ago I visited Ukraine to meet with the nation’s leaders to discuss the urgent threats they faced from ongoing Russian aggression. I found a hopeful, resilient people determined to build a free, prosperous nation that is a part of the international community, and I was lifted then as I am now by Ukrainians’ fierce commitment to democratic ideals like liberty and self-determination.

“President Putin’s illegal and unprovoked invasion is putting the lives and livelihoods of millions of people at grave risk. This unjust attack threatens the international rules-based order, which has helped to ensure peace and promote security in Europe. In these dark hours, the United States and our allies will stand with the freedom-loving people of Ukraine who share our most fundamental ideals.

“We will hold Putin and the Kremlin accountable for this outrageous violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty. I strongly support the enactment of broad and severe international sanctions targeting Putin, the Russian economy, and those individuals and entities that are supporting and enabling the Russian military’s invasion. We are united with Ukraine, its people, and our NATO allies in our determination to counter Russia’s aggression and its attack on an independent, democratic nation.”

Previous comments for: Booker: 'We will Hold Putin and the Kremlin Accountable'

  1. Lyle W. Howard says:

    You ,Sir, are a bafoon! This President is a clown! All of this could have been avoided. (Ukraine) Just two years ago, we were energy independent. The United States was a net exporter of energy! Sanctions were placed on Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which now controls the flow of energy to Europe! I served for two years on the East German border in the 1970s. In maters of foreign policy you Sir are an imbecile! This is a replay of 1930s Europe when the moron Neville Chamberlain left a meeting with Adolf Hitler , proclaiming “peace in our time!” Then Poland was invaded! Maybe it’s time that you overpaid elitists start letting the Truckers , and common folk call the shots! We are so over you and your ilk!President Trump had it right. Continue hydraulic fracturing, restart theKeystone XL2 pipeline, and reopen ANWR to oil exploration.Global security lies in the free flow of energy to nations who cherish liberty and freedom. The US should be the nation which supplies that energy! Any time that you would like to debate this issue, I’m free or I’ll make the time. However , I generally don’t engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent! Very Pissed Off, Lyle W.Howard

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