Bracken Stands with Gottheimer Against Trump Tax Bill

Congressman Josh Gottheimer voiced his support of Governor Phil Murphy and Attorney General Gurbir Grewal’s lawsuit against the IRS and US Treasury Department following the the gutted State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction.

U.S. Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-5) welcomed Tom Bracken, the President of the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce, to Paramus Today to tag team on a Tax Hike Bill beat down.

Flanked by local Chamber leaders throughout Northern New Jersey, Gottheimer and Bracken bashed the Tax Hike Bill and exposed how it makes New Jersey less affordable and less competitive.

"We’re here today to set the record straight about the Tax Hike legislation that is currently moving through Congress," Gottheimer said. "To draw a line in the Jersey sand and tell Congress we won’t stand for a Tax Hike Bill that will jack up our tax rates, eliminate key state and local and home ownership deductions, destroy our property values, and likely send people, jobs and businesses fleeing from our state. This Tax Hike Bill is not pro-business and it’s certainly not pro-New Jersey.

“I’m ready to support real, meaningful tax cut for New Jersey," the congressman added. "I will not support a tax hike that will force people and businesses out of our state.”

"This proposal is exactly what we do not need at this time," Bracken said. "If this legislation is approved, people and businesses will have another reason to leave New Jersey, and people thinking of living here or moving their business here will have another reason to look for an alternative."

Gottheimer last week voted against the bill.

A prospective opponent, former Bogota Mayor Steve Lonegan, said he supports the bill.


Previous comments for: Bracken Stands with Gottheimer Against Trump Tax Bill

  1. EIGHTHMAN says:

    Democrats are mentally ill. Especially New Jersey "Highest taxes in the country" Democrats.

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