Brady Endorses 'Gun Safety Champions' for New Jersey General Assembly

LD21 Democratic Assembly candidates Lisa Mandelblatt and Stacey Gunderman

With less than 30 days until statewide elections in New Jersey, Brady, formerly known as the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, backs seven gun violence prevention champions for New Jersey’s General Assembly. These endorsements are on behalf of candidates running against NRA-rated incumbents. The endorsements include:

  • Majority Leader Louis D. Greenwald (LD-6)
  • Lisa Mandelblatt and Stacey Gunderman (LD-21)
  • Gina LaPlaca and Mark Natale (LD-8)
  • Lisa Bhimani and Darcy Draeger (LD-25)

According to a release, Majority Leader Greenwald has shown a strong commitment to gun violence prevention since the tragic Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Greenwald has helped enact some of the nation’s most robust gun safety measures, including a reduction in magazine capacity limitsclosing gun show loopholes, and strengthening background checks. Most recently, he has addressed cycles of gun violence in communities most at risk through evidence-based programs, like the Hospital Based Violence Intervention Program at University City Hospital in Newark.

Women-led races in legislative districts 8, 21, and 25 have been identified as must-watch races this November. In particular, challengers Lisa Mandelblatt and Stacey Gunderman face Assembly Republican leader Jon Bramnick with a 100 percent NRA rating and Assemblywoman Nancy Munoz with a 93 percent NRA rating in the LD-21 race. In 2017, Assemblyman Bramnick and Assemblywoman Munoz won by little more than 4 percentage points — the second smallest margin in the state that election year.

Brady President Kris Brown said the following:

“The bold actions taken by New Jersey’s state legislature to prevent gun violence are leading the way for states nationwide. Time and time again, their proactive legislative actions and solutions have proven effective in addressing the multi-sectional issue of gun violence. These Brady-endorsed gun violence prevention champions will create an even stronger majority in the General Assembly, ensuring a safer future for New Jerseyans.”

New Jersey Brady Chapter Leader Carole Stiller said the following:

“We are proud to stand alongside these seven newly endorsed gun safety champions in New Jersey. We have seen firsthand their commitment to common-sense gun reform, and their comprehensive plan to curb gun violence in towns throughout New Jersey. The time is now to fulfil the will of all citizens in New Jersey and replace these longstanding NRA supported members with gun safety champions.”

As federal gun violence prevention efforts stall amid Senate inaction and the impeachment inquiry against President Trump, it has fallen on states to take the lead in enacting lifesaving solutions. New Jersey continues to take bold steps that serve as a model for the country. Last month, Brady members stood by Gov. Phil Murphy as he announced an executive order that New Jersey will stop doing business with any gun manufacturers or retailers that fail to follow common-sense public safety standards. The executive order, which is modelled after Brady’s Gun Dealer Code of Conduct, made New Jersey the first state in the country to set such a high standard for gun manufacturers and retailers.

Months prior, Brady announced a partnership with New Jersey and the New Jersey Center on Gun Violence Research at Rutgers University to take a city-led approach to combat the flow of crime guns in impacted communities. Brady will work with mayors, city officials, and municipal police departments to conduct multifaceted research on the causes, consequences, and solutions to gun violence.

This election cycle, Brady is focused on building engagement in state elections and working with candidates who are committed to preventing gun violence. In Virginia, which is the only election in the country in which control of the state legislature is up for grabs, Brady has endorsed a total of 51 candidates. This latest slate of endorsements brings Brady to a total of 58 gun violence prevention champions, including four endorsements for candidates running for the U.S. Senate.

Last November, multiple Brady-backed candidates in New Jersey won on a strong platform of gun safety, demonstrating that voters want gun reform and are rejecting candidates backed by the NRA. Brady is proud to endorse these candidates to New Jersey’s General Assembly. Future endorsements will be announced in the weeks to come and can be found here.


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