Bramnick Predicts His Margin of General Election Victory

MORRISTOWN – Jon Bramnick says simply that he will win the general election “by 10 points.”

Pretty bold talk to be sure.

Bramnick made the comment at a Friday evening “Meet and Greet” sponsored by GOP clubs in Morristown and Morris Township.

Republican fortunes in those two locales have not been good of late, so county GOP leaders welcome the increased activity. George Talarico was introduced as a Republican candidate for the Morris Township Committee, noteworthy because last year the GOP ran nobody.

But Bramnick, the Union County state senator and one of four major Republican gubernatorial candidates, was the main attraction.

The idea he would easily win the general election may be an exaggeration, but there is some logic here. Bramnick is no MAGA-Republican, which would seem to help him in a state where Democrats still dominate.

Republicans are enthused over Donald Trump’s good showing in New Jersey, but there is a bottom line here. Kamala Harris won the state, Andy Kim was elected and Republicans “flipped” no Democratic-held House seats.

Brambick’s challenge is getting through the primary.

Speaking to about 60 or so people in a local restaurant, he talked about a statewide need to stop overdevelopment, do more to address youth crime and rein in spending. To that end, he said he would oppose all “Christmas Tree” items – money added to the budget, generally at the last minute, for specific projects.

That may be difficult, given the fact some of these goodies can always go to Republican districts.

Bramnick has been a legislator for more than 20 years, and he says that experience is important.

He talked about watching many governors up close and taking lessons from what he saw.

He recalled how Phil Murphy promulgated states of emergency after states of emergency during Covid without any real public input. That was wrong.

More generally, Btramnick said it’s important for the GOP to convey a positive image saying, “We have to show we have heart.”

Bramnick tends to avoid the wild, divisive rhetoric common in today’s politics. But it’s tough to ignore.

“We got crazy people on both sides,” he said.

Clearly, he is aiming for the more sensible middle.

Trump, of course, can not be ignored. With an eye toward the race this fall, Bramnick said:

“If he is popular, the Republican image will be popular.”


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4 responses to “Bramnick Predicts His Margin of General Election Victory”

  1. Aiming for the sensible middle but willing to break when leaned on by Republican pols li ke Morris County Republican Chaiwoman Ali. Come on Mr. Bramnick, were you being sensible when you flipped your support for Justin Musella to Jamie Barberio. Or did political cronyism and outside interests force you to do so? That’s certainly no way to become popular with NJ voters regardless of their political affiliation

  2. Well, he IS a part-time comedian. Mikie Sherrill will be our next governor. And Thomas Jefferson is still a retard.

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