Bramnick: 'This is not Bigfoot'

Senator Jon Bramnick (R-21) released the follow statement regarding the White House's response to mysterious drones flying over New Jersey:

"Last night I received multiple videos of large drone sightings from citizens. The White House is saying ‘we are not seeing what we are seeing’. Let’s be clear, this is not similar to ‘Big Foot’ sightings, these are clear images. We need the Defense Department to investigate."

Previous comments for: Bramnick: 'This is not Bigfoot'

  1. MRSX says:

    Don’t stick your nose where it don’t belong


    NJ Rep Walks Back Iranian Drone 'Mothership' Theory The congressman has been asking federal authorities to share more about what they know of drone sightings in the Garden State.

  3. Steve L says:

    Thomas Jefferson, QNON just called....they'd like their tinfoil hat returned. Only then will they offer you back some of your missing marbles.

  4. Thomas Jefferson says:

    Let’s see: Top American-Chinese news commentator who has credible sources in the military just said on a major TV news station that the drones are “sniffing” for radioactive material and not gases. Guess what happened? There have been 2 major radiation spikes. One in Manhattan and one in Weehawken, NJ. Theory is that either Chinese or North Koreans are assembling a nuclear device somewhere. And, how did these Chinese or North Koreans get into the U.S. Why, it’s the southern or northern border. The borders that our Dept. of Homeland Security propagandist, Alejandro Mayorkas (not even a real American), said was SECURE!!!!!!!!!!! BWHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! The joke is on ALL of you Democrats. If they set off a nuke in either NY or NJ, not much loss there. It will get rid of a lot of leftists, Democrats, progressives and communists.

  5. Rafael Betancourt says:

    A clear example of the federal government failing to adequately respond to its citizens. Senator Bramnick will not give up seeking the truth.


    BREAKING NEWS! Iranian drone ship spotted in Persian gulf. Bramnick Smith Vandrew “Operation Big Foot” stepped on by facts. Much teeth gnashing and hair pulling reported in bunkers, many staffers offer resignation s. News at 11.


    Nor is this Orson Wells War Of The World’s , The Day The Earth Stood Still, A Twighlight Zone episode or Even Mars Attacks or Independent Day. The absurdity of turning New Jersey skies in to a battlefield style free fire zone is lunacy!

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