Bramnick Urges Special Session to Confront Affordable Housing Decision

Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick (R-21) wants the state Legislature to return to Trenton for a special session to address the impact on communities of court-ordered affordable housing.

“Towns are fighting high density housing lawsuits because the legislature will not compromise on a plan,” said Bramnick.  “The legislature should not go to summer vacation without solving this issue.”

The minority party leader noted a January decision by the state Supreme Court, which forces towns to consider past housing needs for the first time and could require more than 285,000 over the next eight years.  If builders can show that a municipality is not complying with affordable housing quotas, they can sue for the right to build more units than allowed on a specific plot, in exchange for including affordable housing, Bramnick said.

“The state Supreme Court should not be in control of housing in our towns,” he said.  “Towns are spending millions of taxpayer dollars to defend lawsuits that require housing that is inconsistent with their master plans.  New Jerseyans want more control of their community.”

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2 responses to “Bramnick Urges Special Session to Confront Affordable Housing Decision”

  1. WOW, still fighting these law suits……NJ has been trying to place affordable housing in a state that people are moving out of because they cannot afford, the affordable housing they have!!! LOL

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