BREAKING: Samson Gets Probation in United Airlines Private Flight Path Case

David Samson, the former chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey today received a sentence of four years probation, including a year of home confinement, for his role a in a bribery scheme. has the story here.

According to the report, Samson in court today told U.S. District Judge Jose L. Linares, "I did something wrong, I violated the law. I deeply regret it."

"The judge summed up the core of Samson's violation as he issued the sentence, 'He was able, through his position of power, to intimidate to some extent the airline to do something that they did not want to do,'" the report states.

A former attorney general appointed to the Port authority by his friend and confidant Governor Chris Christie, Samson had previously pleaded guilty to using his position at the Port Authority to pressure United Airlines to provide a route that would make it easier for him to fly to his second home in South Carolina.


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