Brown Endorses Jones for Democratic State Party Chair

Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Dave Brown today formally announced his support for Essex County Democratic Chairman Leroy Jones to lead the state Democratic Party Committee.

The following is a statement from Monmouth County Democratic Chairman David G. Brown:

“The election for State Chairman came up quickly a few weeks ago and I told those on both sides of the race that we would not rush into any decision. When the election kicked off on December 18th, within 48 hours. 17 or the 21 county party leaders issued immediate endorsements of their preferred candidate. We told leaders on both sides that we would take a few weeks to decide. Our Vice-Chair Mary Foster and I have had detailed conversations with all 8 members of our State Committee regarding this topic.

The Monmouth Delegation supported and endorsed Chairman John Currie in his bid for State Chairman 5 times, in June of 2013, January of 2014, January of 2016, June of 2017 and again in January of 2018. Chairman Currie is now the longest serving State Party Chairman in New Jersey history and we thank him for his incredible service to our party and our state. He is someone I deeply admire and my endorsement today of his opponent – Essex County Democratic Chairman Leroy Jones – has nothing to do with him but instead a craving to unite the Democratic Party in New Jersey and I believe Leroy Jones is in the best position to lead that unity.

The Democratic Party today is very fractured. Democrats across the state have read the news and have seen the constant battles between our various Democratic Party leaders in the state.

Upon consultation with the Monmouth State Committee and having a detailed meeting this past week with Chairman Jones, I am endorsing Leroy Jones today because I strongly feel he will unite the Democratic Party by bringing our Governor, Senate & Assembly Leadership and various Democratic leaders in the state together as one cohesive team. As Essex County Chairman, Leroy Jones delivered a 120,000 vote plurality for Governor Murphy’s successful 2017 campaign in Essex County. He has the respect of all of our Democratic leaders and he has the unique ability to bring all of our leaders together.
We need party unity. I am confident Chairman Jones can provide that unity and I will urge our delegation to unite behind Chairman Jones as our next State Party Chairman.
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