Brutal Local GOP Feud Drives Council Prez into the Arms of Democrat Siddiqi

Beset by the dynamics of in-fighting that produced an all-Old Bridge Republican Senate Primary in LD12, Brian Cahill, the Republican council president of Old Bridge, this weekend says he plans to vote for a Democrat come Tuesday even as he backs Republicans in every other instance.
"I have had it," he said in a mail piece that dropped over the weekend. "I am a Republican and for the first time in my life, I am supporting a Democrat for local office, Mr. Siddiqi. Mary Sohor continues to undermine the township administration and disparaged Old Bridge Township employees."
Cahill is a backer of Republican gubernatorial candidate Kim Guadagno and the GOP on Tuesday, all of them - except for Sohor.
Challenger Zeeshan Siddiqi has the support of the Middlesex County Democratic Organization, and Old Bridge is home to Lucille Panos, herself a member of the local governing body and chair of the Middlesex County GOP. Panos backed successful Senator Sam Thompson (R-12) in the GOP Primary. Sohor backed his opponent, Art Haney.
"He's right in what he said," Panos said in reference to Cahill's endorsement of Siddiqi. "But as Republican chair, I would never encourage anyone to put a Democrat sign on their lawn."