Bucco Eviscerates Murphy in the Aftermath of State of the State

Senate Republican Leader Anthony M. Bucco issued the following response to Governor Murphy’s State of the State address:

“New Jersey is a great state because of our people. Governor Murphy presented an optimistic view in his address. He spoke about affordability, access to health care, education and public safety. The problem we have is that his actions must follow his words. The aggressive spending we have witnessed has resulted in a few clear warning signs regarding the state of the State. Things like our highest in the nation property taxes, one of the highest unemployment rates, highest outward migration and learning loss in our schools, among others.

New Jersey now stands at a crossroads. Do we continue aggressive spending patterns or do we learn to live within our means and improve the quality of life for all New Jerseyans. Republicans choose the latter. Unlike prior years, it does not appear that the State will be flush with cash this year. I hope we have not missed the opportunity to make the structural changes we need to truly make the State more affordable.”

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Previous comments for: Bucco Eviscerates Murphy in the Aftermath of State of the State

  1. Michael Schnackenberg says:

    Bucco is a clown.

  2. Thomas Jefferson says:

    Here's the reality of living in New Jersey: New Jersey Gov. Phil KNUCKLEHEAD'S SOS address was a load of bovine scatology (B.S.). Murphy says the economy is great, yet the real estate market in the northern counties is collapsing due to inflation, high interest rates, and the Democrat economy known as “Bidenomics”. New Jersey is losing jobs faster than gaining them. That’s why unemployment in this state is ticking up again. New Jersey is losing the productive class who are emigrating out of the state with all of their assets and cash, and moving to liberty friendly low tax or no tax states. New Jersey is ranked the No. 1 state in people leaving a state. Young people cannot afford to buy homes in New Jersey and cannot afford to live in this state (since it is now commonly known that $150,000/yr. salary isn’t enough to live on in this state). Crime is skyrocketing in NJ major cities. In fact, Camden, Trenton, Jersey City, Paterson, Newark, East Orange, Asbury Park, Atlantic City, etc. are ranked in the Top 100 most dangerous cities in the United States. Violent gun crime is skyrocketing in those cities, and is now leaking out into the suburbs. So much for Murphy’s draconian, unconstitutional, anti-Second Amendment gun control laws he rammed through the Legislature with no public input. Murphy’s gun control follows the Soviet Dictatorships’ “reasonable” and “common sense” gun control that turned into total firearm confiscation–that led to over 200 MILLION of their own citizens MURDERED BY THEIR OWN GOVERNMENTS!!!! So, no, New Jersey is NOT a great state to be in. Why is that? Because of over 25 years of Democrat-Socialist-Communist rule in Trenton. Just look at who are the new Senators. They are all Socialists!!!!! As Soviet Dictator Vladimir Lenin once said: The goal of Socialism IS Communism. If Democrat voters want Communism, they should move to North Korea or Red China.

  3. Bob Young says:

    That ain't an evisceration. C'mon.

  4. Richard Grant says:

    I read Senator Bucco's statement above several times and still do not see it as even metaphorically eviscerating the content of Governor Murphy's address. It did not leave the impression of being a disembowelment. He simply mentioned that Governor Murphy may not succeed in achieving all or some of his stated goals and notably did not promise any bipartisan assistance in achieving a greater level of affordability, access to health care, education and public safety for the people of New Jersey . He also missed an opportunity to say "New Jersey is a great state because of our people, unlike so many others."

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