Bucco Hanging by a 1.4K Vote Thread

Anthony M. Bucco has edged into a narrow lead in his quest to keep his state Senate seat in LD-25.
Updated figures this afternoon show Bucco leading Democrat Rupande Mehta by about 1,400 votes in a district that covers 20 towns in Morris County and one, Bernardsville, in Somerset.
But in the Assembly race, it is Democrat Darcy Draeger who is leading incumbent Republican Aura Dunn by about 1,100 votes.
While Bernardsville can be forgotten about in this mostly Morris district, it may end up playing a key role.
The two Republicans are so far getting almost 55 percent of the vote in Somerset while in Morris, it is just about 50-50.
"It's a coin flip," said Chip Robinson, the county's Democratic chair.
Morris election officials caution that final results may not be known until next week.
Democratic freeholder candidate Cary Amaro is 6,000 votes ahead of GOP incumbent freeholder Tayfun Selen.
You have to think that the top of the ticket is helping the Dems in a county that is traditionally Republican.
Joe Biden is so far 22,000 votes ahead of Donald Trump in Morris.
And Rep. Mikie Sherrill is running 17,000 votes better than Republican Rosemary Becchi in the CD-11 race. Sherrill already is the projected winner.