Bucco Ignites

Senator Anthony M. Bucco (R-25) issued the following statement in response to complaints filed yesterday by Attorney General Matt Platkin against the Middletown, Marlboro, and Manalapan school districts over new parental notification policies they adopted this week:
“Kids do best when parents and teachers work together to support them. When the Murphy administration tries to interfere in that important relationship, kids suffer. We should encourage schools to communicate more with parents, not sue to stop them. It might take a village to raise a child, but that always must include the parents. Government bureaucrats are no substitute.
“When it comes to facing these tough issues, we believe it is best for local school boards, parents, and teachers to come together to find a solution that fits their community. Heavy-handed, one-size-fits-all mandates from Trenton are what got us into this mess in the first place. That’s why my Republican colleagues and I have put forward our own Parental Bill of Rights, which unfortunately was tabled earlier this week by the Democratic Majority in Trenton.
“Instead of threatening to slash funding to school districts for improving their communication with parents, the Murphy administration should focus on restoring the approximately $50 million of school aid that will be cut from classrooms across New Jersey this fall.”
It is none of the states busniess what a local board of ed decides how to run its school. AG Platkin should focus more on craking down on hoodlums causing havoc on the Jersey Shore.
There was a time when, despite some differences, many Democrats were pro-American, but that time is long gone. They still use the memory of JFK, but the modern Democrat Party would disown him. They would not consider nominating someone who cut taxes, opposed communism and loved this country. Todays Democrats seek to destroy the country from within. Using schools as indoctrination centers, not institutions of learning, is one way to achieve the goal . It is not uncommon for young children to know more genders than they have classmates. Kids can’t read but they’re experts at using people’s preferred pronouns. Truth is anyone who believes a man can give birth is no genius. The education system in this country has to be reimagined. The pandemic furthered parents’ understanding of just how rotten the system is, where white kids are told they’re the problem and minority kids are told they’ll never succeed because the horrible American system was established for white kids. Every teacher needs to be fired and invited to reapply for their jobs. Same with school administrators. Of course this will never happening unless people speak out, run for and win seats on school boards. Most importantly, anyone who calls students “my kids” or went into the profession for any reason other than educate children in the subject they teach needs to be terminated. The job is to teach. Do it or get the hell out. College is another nightmare. Get the federal government out of the student loan and financial aid business completely. Students seeking funding for school can go to a bank and explain why they’re worth the risk. Anyone seeking a loan for gender, ethic, or any other grievance studies degree would likely be denied, as those are unmarketable skills. Government doesn’t care what you study, banks wanting to be repaid do. This dose of reality is desperately needed, as is this financial one. Let schools shrink or go bankrupt. With the feds out of the picture and banks weighing risk of student loans on an individual basis, schools will be forced to lower their costs. The private sector would value their service well below where they set the price, which is currently tied to how much the federal government is willing to “loan” to students. Let schools eliminate unmarketable fields of study and bloated staff that goes with them, or dip into endowments and/or see how many students will pay with their own money (not loans) for them. Probably not many I would guess. Imagine those liberal art schools raking in a fortune in taxpayer subsidized loan money having to compete in the open market and having to justify their product to the people actually paying for it. It would collapse in a couple of years. Being forced to serve their customers is the one thing missing from education in this country. Pushing that back into it would help not only serve the republic, it would save it as well. Democrats would oppose this. They need the ignorance factories churning out their future voters.
If the whole transgender nonsense is legal, then why are teachers using US Dept. of ED-funded online workshop last week to “trade tips” on how to break state laws protecting children from radical gender ideology and help transgender-identifying students transition at school without their parents knowing. A number of public school teachers have admitted to breaking state laws and are using federal funds to teach their colleagues how to violate laws protecting children. The Department of Education appears content in funding criminal activity, and the DOJ is too busy prosecuting Trump, covering up the Biden bribery scandal, targeting peaceful pro-lifers, and investigating “terrorist” parents at school board meetings to care. The frontal lobe of human brains isn’t fully developed until 25 years of age. That’s the part of the brain for decision-making and reasoning. This has been studied ad nauseum by neurosurgeons, neurologists, psychiatrists, medical doctors, etc. for decades. How can a kindergartner or even a high school student be able to make a decision or reason what they want, becoming LGBTQ, when they aren’t even 25 years of age. Forcing these sexual perversions on children, or CRT on children, IS emotional, psychological, physical AND sexual child abuse. Apparently, AG Platkin, Governor Phil KNUCKLEHEAD Murphy and the NJEA and complicit teachers are PEDOPHILES and CHILD GROOMERS!!!! Parents should be organizing to demand long prison sentences for the AG, Gov., NJEA leaders and teachers involved. Reply
As expected, New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin has filed lawsuits against the school boards in Middletown, Marlboro and Manalapan over their decision to implement a requirement that teachers and administrators notify parents if a student shows any signs of changing their gender, such as using a different name, pronouns, or seeking to use a bathroom opposite their birth gender. Platkin is seeking an injunction preventing these boards from implementing their policies, similar to what has occurred in Hanover Township, which is under a similar court order. "On June 20, 2023, the (Middletown) Board passed a revised version of its Policy 5756 that discriminates against transgender students and certain gender non-conforming, non-binary, genderqueer and other gender-expansive students ... in clear violation of New Jersey law," wrote the Attorney General in his lawsuit against Middletown. "'Outing' these students against their will poses serious mental health risks; threatens physical harm to students, including risking increased suicides; decreases the likelihood students will seek support; and shirks the district’s obligation to create a safe and supportive learning environment for all. Indeed, LGBTQ+1 students in New Jersey and elsewhere have died by suicide after being outed. In New Jersey, we will not tolerate any action by schools that threatens the health and safety of our young people. Without question, the discriminatory policies passed by these Boards of Education, if allowed to go into effect, will harm our kids and pose severe risk to their safety". Platkin is absolutely correct. It's up to the individual--regardless of age--to decide if and when to "come out" to their family and/or friends. It's not up to the teachers to have that burden placed on them, much less mandated. The transgender policies of the three Monmouth County school districts directly defies the NJ Department of Education's own policy on transgender students, which says parents do not have to be informed of what their child does in school regarding gender. Students have a right to privacy that supersedes "parents' rights", which is NOT a concept granted by either the federal or state constitutions, or by any law. These school boards, by passing these illegal policies, are risking takeover by the state, as does Hanover Township, who simply don't understand that you cannot thumb your nose at the state without repercussions. Their best course is to rescind these homophobic, transphobic regulations before Trenton does take them over. And the rest of the state needs to take notice.