Bucco on Murphy's State of State: 'Are You Better Off?'

Senator Anthony Bucco responded to Governor Murphy's State of the State address this afternoon, calling it a 'seemly tone-deaf portrayal of strength while New Jerseyans suffer the burdens of high inflation, increased taxes, rising crime, and soaring energy costs'.
Bucco's statement:
“Since taking office in 2018, Governor Murphy has weakened New Jersey with higher taxes and increased spending, which has only worsened the financial burden of families across the state,” said Bucco (R-25). “There’s no doubt New Jersey families are worse off today than they were five years ago as their pocketbooks have been decimated by soaring energy costs, growing tax bills, and record-high inflation.”
“Governor Murphy continues to push his expensive green energy plan that could cost families tens of thousands of dollars in conversion costs and lead to even bigger increases in energy bills. When New Jersey’s residential energy costs are already among the highest in the country it’s obvious that’s not sustainable.”
“Many communities are worried that the Murphy administration has enabled a sense of lawlessness throughout the state. After Governor Murphy granted early release to thousands of inmates and tied the hands of police when dealing with rowdy teens, New Jersey witnessed a surge in crime, including an epidemic of car thefts and home invasions.”
“Whether you’re talking about our worst-in-the-nation rankings on taxes, debt, and business climate, growing energy bills, and rising crime, it’s clear New Jersey deserves better.”