Bucco V. Mehta: The LD25 War - for Halloween

Is Tony Bucco going to lose Halloween?
Let's explain.
For years, the late Anthony R. Bucco and now his son, Anthony M. Bucco, have used campaign signs that spell out the name, BUCCO, in orange lettering on a black background with one creative twist. The "o" in Bucco's name is a Jack-o-lantern.
The signs certainly tell those who for some reason may be unaware that it is both Halloween and election time.
Bucco is again using the Halloween-themed signs in his Senate reelection campaign in LD-25, but Democratic candidate Rupande Mehta has Halloween on her mind as well.
"This Halloween season, the most terrifying thing you could do is vote Anthony Bucco Junior," a Mehta campaign mailer says.
Bucco is not a junior, but the Dems are ignoring that detail.
The mailer adds that Bucco is "scary" because, above all, he is a "Trump ally" and that people should not be "tricked" into voting for him.
The Republicans, naturally, see Metha as just another vote for Gov. Phil Murphy if she gets to Trenton.
This is a special election in District 25 and the only Legislative race on the ballot.
Republicans have the edge here in both voter registration and tradition.
But who knows how much more mischief we may see before Election Night.