Buena Vista Township Committeeman John Williams joins Republican party; will seek re-election


Incumbent Buena Vista Township Committeeman John Williams has left the Democratic party and will seek re-election as a Republican.  Williams, who has lived in Buena Vista Township since 1977 has served on the Township Committee for the past 9 years.

“The Democratic Party of today is not at all in line with my views.  I want to be a part of the new day here in Buena Vista Township.  I’m looking forward to continuing to serve alongside talented Republicans including Mayor Bill Ruggieri, Deputy Mayor Ellen Testa and Committeeman Aaron Krenzer.  I’m also proud to have an opportunity to seek re-election on a ticket with New Jersey’s Conservative Congressman Jeff Van Drew.” Williams said.

"Whether it's trying to Defund the Police, Abolish Prisons, Pack the Supreme Court, Repeal the 2nd Amendment, Enact the Green New Deal, Eliminate Private Health Insurance, or ram through Biden's Radical Socialist so-called Build Back Better spending spree, we are seeing just how right Congressman Van Drew was when he famously declared, "the Democrat party that once was is no more," said Van Drew's Campaign Manager Ron Filan. "It should come as no surprise that a Conservative Democrat like Buena Vista Township Committeeman John Williams would take one look at Governor Murphy's latest taxpayer-funded partial birth abortion law, on top of everything else his party is pushing, and realize the Democrat party had left him long ago and that the rightful home for Conservatives has always been within the Republican Party."

Atlantic County Republican Chairman Keith Davis reacted to Williams’ announcement, “We’re happy to welcome Atlantic County residents who reject the out of touch, radicals that represent the Democratic party.  Here in Atlantic County in small, tight knit communities like Buena Vista Township voters understand that common sense, kitchen table solutions are what’s right for our families. That’s why I am not surprised John Williams made the right choice to join us.” Davis said.

Buena Vista Republican League President Aaron Krenzer was thrilled to hear the news of Williams joining the Republican party.  “John Williams has been a pillar of Buena Vista Township and we welcome him to our family.  He’s a talented member of the Township Committee and will continue to serve our residents well.  We’re very proud to call him a fellow Republican.” Krenzer said.

The Buena Vista Township Republican League was established in 2019 and has been on the leading edge of Republican victories in Atlantic County.  For more information check out their facebook page at Facebook.com/BVTRepublicans

Previous comments for: Buena Vista Township Committeeman John Williams joins Republican party; will seek re-election

  1. Lewis M. Springer Jr. says:

    Committeeman John Williams, I was at the Buena Vista Township Meeting tonight, Monday, January 22, 2024 at 7:00 pm. I was there in support of the Homeowners of Crannberry Run, Fourth Voting District Assemblyman Dan Hutchison & the Bill he's sponsoring for. [ RENT CONTROLS OF 2.5 PERCENT IN A 12 MOBTH PERIOD FOR MODULAR or MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. ] JOHN, Can we meet for breakfast one morning soon ? Lewis M. Springer Jr.

  2. Lewis M. Springer Jr. says:

    Committeeman John Williams, I was at the Buena Vista Township Meeting tonight, Monday, January 22, 2024 at 7:00 pm. I was there in support of the Homeowners of Crannberry Run, Fourth Voting District Assemblyman Dan Hutchison & the Bill he's sponsoring for. [ RENT CONTROLS OF 2.5 PERCENT IN A 12 MOBTH PERIOD FOR MODULAR or MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. ] JOHN, Can we meet for breakfast one morning soon ? You can e - mail me at. Karen. Springer 5711@gmail.com or call me at ( 856 ) 845 - 8113. Lewis M. Springer Jr.

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