Building Trades Chief Mullen Doubles Down on Backing for MacArthur: 'We No Longer Vote Along Party Lines'

On the same day that Democratic State Party Chairman John Currie told NJTV's Mike Aron about the party's designs on going after incumbent U.S. Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-3), Building Trades leadership fired off a letter reminding members of their endorsement of MacArthur.
The incumbent Republican is trying to hold off Democratic challenger Andy Kim in a neck and neck general election contest, according to Monmouth University.
Here's Aron's interview with Currie.
Building Trades President Bill Mullen had this to say in his letter dated yesterday:
"I am writing once again on behalf of one of our endorsed candidates, Congressman Tom MacArthur; who is running in a tight race. Tom has been with the Building Trades on all our main issues, jobs, infrastructure, building the economy, has led the charge to protect Davis Bacon and Prevailing Wage and a strong supporter of Project Labor Agreements.
"Tom is a member of the Bi-Partisan Building Trades Caucus. As you know Representative Tom MacArthur of the Third Congressional District is one of our endorsed Republican candidates. These races, where the Building Trades Unions alone have endorsed the candidate, is where we must concentrate our efforts. We must demonstrate that the Building Trades have, can and will produce a win for our endorsed candidates. We must make sure that United States Representative in the Third Congressional District, Tom MacArthur is re-elected and put back in office where he can and will support us.
"Please contact your members in the Congressional 3rd District and let them know the importance of voting for our Building Trades Candidates and Tom MacArthur in particular. Our members need to be reminded that we no longer vote along party lines."
The Building Trades Union backing this hard line Republican is incomprehensible. MacArthur is a rising Republican star who undermined the Affordable Care Act and will undoubtedly continue the Republican assault on unions. For any sensible union member this is a totally misguided endorsement. Think the long game. Kim has demonstrated his concern for working people. MacArthur diligently worked to strip them of healthcare. If your union is endorsing MacArthur they are betraying you!