Burlington County And PBA Local 249 Resolve Issues Relating To Surgical Masks At Detention Center

The Burlington County Board of Chosen Freeholders and Policemen’s Benevolent Association Local #249, the Labor Union representing Correctional Police Officers employed by Burlington County, announced today that they have resolved all issues relating to various actions the PBA had filed on April 21, 2020 relating to the use of surgical masks at the Burlington County Detention Center (BCDC). The resolution was based upon an agreement that all officers will be provided a new protective surgical mask for every shift they are required to work.
Freeholder Director Felicia Hopson said, “Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Freeholders have continuously endeavored to protect the health and safety of the Correctional Police Officers, as well as the inmates within the Detention Center. Although the County and the County Health Department have been frustrated in obtaining delivery of surgical masks which had already been ordered and paid for due to Federal Government impoundment, we will be receiving a delivery of masks within the next few days. The Freeholders will continue to take all actions necessary to protect the Correctional Officers and inmates within the BCDC, as well as all Burlington County residents, during these difficult times in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.”
PBA President LeRoy Handberry said, “PBA Local #249 is pleased with the resolution of this issue. Make no mistake about it, Correctional Police Officers walk the toughest “beat” in the State of New Jersey and no other group of sworn law enforcement officers has exposed themselves to this virus in the interest of protecting the public than Correctional Police Officers. Out of concern for protecting our County and State’s citizens, our Officers have performed and will continue to perform at a highly professional and exemplary level during this crisis. We are pleased that the Freeholders recognize the importance of providing our officers with the proper personal protective equipment required to not only protect us from the COVID-19 virus, but also to protect and safeguard our families as well.”
Both Hopson and Handberry confirmed that the Freeholders and PBA Local #249 will continue to work cooperatively to continue to ensure and protect the health and safety of the Correctional Police Officers.