Burlington Freeholder Director Gibbs Swats Away at Andl After Youngkin Candidacy Meltdown

Stories of low voter turnout on NJ's June 4 primary Election Day, including in battleground LD8, which includes Burlington County.

There are people who are truly ticked in Burlington County right now.

Today’s Burlington County Times story revealing that Democratic County Chairman Joe Andl, as well as incumbent Freeholders Tom Pullion and Balvir Singh, knew about potential serious domestic issues in George Youngkin’s past and chose not to fully investigate, and ignored warnings of potential Democratic candidate Kathryn McLaughlin, hit hard.

“Unconscionable,” said Gibbs and Hughes in a joint statement.

“In the era of “MeToo’, the decision by Chairman Andl and Freeholders Pullion and Singh to move forward with the Youngkin candidacy in the face of legitimate concerns by women in their own party is telling. Moreover, it’s deeply disappointing that Joanne Schwartz and Felicia Hopson chose to put their own political and financial interests ahead of what is right for women by burying their heads in the sand on the concerns about Youngkin’s past, and then refusing to immediately disavow his candidacy after the BCT story broke.”

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