Cabana Seeks Shelter from the Storm

Morris County Freeholder Doug Cabana is having a devil of a time trying to hold a fundraiser.
A fundraiser for the veteran freeholder - he's been on the board for more than 20 years - was postponed Wednesday night because of the weather.
If that seems ho-hum, consider this: It was the fourth time in the last few weeks Cabana had to cancel his event.
It was first set for March 7. A snow storm postponed it to March 12 when yet another storm delayed it again to March 14. But then someone noticed that March 14 was the night of a freeholder meeting. It's always tough when an official's real job gets in the way of raising money.
So, it was postponed again to Wednesday. And, of course, an all-day snow storm caused yet another postponement.
Cabana admitted there is some humor in the rash of postponements, but he's taking it in stride, noting that many of his supporters already have written him campaign checks.
But he still has to give them a party with food and booze. Even political supporters want something tangible for their cash.
Cabana does have time; he is not up for reelection until 2019.
At one time, a so-called gentlemen's agreement among Morris Republicans limited candidates from holding fundraisers in years in which they were not running. But those rules are no longer followed.
There are three seats on the board up this year, including one being vacated by Christine Myers, who has taken a job with the federal Small Business Administration.
Running again are incumbents John Cesaro and Deborah Smith along with John Krickus, a former freeholder.
That's three candidates for three seats, but don't expect things to stay so neat and orderly.
The filing deadline is still more than a week away and others are expected to enter the race, which will likely make for a spirited primary campaign.
Meanwhile, Cabana's fundraiser is now set for April 4.
Beware of a violent spring thunderstorm.