Caliguire to Barba: 'No, Linda, You Got Crushed'

Republican Bergen County Executive candidate Todd Caliguire today strongly resisted earlier attacks by his primary opponent as he seeks a victory Tuesday in his countywide contest.
Caliguire received the commanding support of the Bergen County Republican Organization (BCRO) and occupies the county line. The businessman, advisor to two former governors, and two-term county commissioner said he is the best qualified person to oversee the multi-million dollar organization.
Opponent Linda Barba?
"Linda is a self-proclaimed food blogger," Caliguire told InsiderNJ. "She has put forward not one new idea. At the county convention, which featured mayors, councilmembers and other party leaders, I received 467 votes to her 108 votes. I beat her. It was a secret ballot. Nobody interfered. It was a transparent process. She lost, she needed an excuse, and she sounds just like Hilary Clinton, looking for someone to blame. No, Linda, you got crushed. People compared our qualifications and made their decision. I put out a comprehensive platform, and she just spouts platitudes. I have a crime plan and a four-point plan to reign in the budget."
Caliguire said he is eager for a stare-down with incumbent Democrat Jim Tedesco, Bergen County's sitting executive. "People have been having a difficult time paying their bills," said the Republican countywide candidate. "Jim Tedesco increased the budget by almost 50%. A lot of people cant afford to live in Bergen County. My four-point plan includes steps to downsize county government and reducing the budget."
Perhaps inevitably, the GOP Primary accelerated into late game ugliness, but Caliguire stood by his campaign. "I haven't said one negative thing about Linda Barba," he said. "She has put out negative campaign pieces. I'm hopeful, after I win tomorrow, that we can rally the party to defeat the Democrats, because that is the goal."
Caliguire is affiliated on the BCRO line with CD-5 Republican challenger Nick De Gregorio. "[Incumbent Democrat Josh] Gottheimer has spent a lot of money to defeat Nick De Gregorio because he believes Nick is the much more formidable candidate."
Firstly, Thanks for the chuckle.. Correction -- Linda is a licensed Realtor, a contributing writer for a Premier magazine, and has awareness and a substantial amount money for our non profits and republicans. Linda did not post anything negative - you can references the news releases. Not my words, merely the reported news. Linda has worked helping fellow republicans get elected for the last 17 years - where has her opponent been?
Imagine having to run against a bully, scorned food blogger ...that's what this world has come to! Don't let it happen Bergen County, we need to win in November! This woman who was even fired from a department store just recently, even allowed postings on her own public Facebook page of misogynist comments (made by Pallotta in fact) referring to a woman's 'meat!'- how vile! Comparing her to Hillary Clinton, that's even an insult to Hillary! Keep this woman out of our party! I heard Macy's is hiring!🙄
Imagine having to run against a bully, scorned food blogger ...that's what this world has come to! Don't let it happen Bergen County, we need to win in November! This woman who was even fired from a department store just recently, even allowed postings on her own public Facebook page of misogynist comments kmade by Pallotta in fact) referring to a woman's 'meat!'- how vile! Comparing her to Hillary Clinton, that's even an insult to Hillary! Keep this woman out of our party! I heard Macy's is hiring!🙄