Calling for a State of Emergency in Newark, Meissner Excoriates Booker
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Attorney Stuart Meissner, who is considering a 2020 campaign for U.S. Senate, released the following statement in response to the ongoing water crisis in Newark:
“The fact that residents of Newark cannot get safe drinking water from their sinks is a deplorable situation that no American should have to contemplate in the year 2019. This crisis — fueled by the waste, fraud, and abuse of greedy politicians — has demonstrated a complete abdication of leadership by Governor Phil Murphy and Senator Cory Booker, under whose tenure as Mayor this problem festered.
"While Cory Booker shakes hands in Iowa & New Hampshire, the constituents he has been elected to represent are scrambling to get bottled water for their families," Meissner added. "I call on Governor Murphy to immediately issue a state of emergency to direct adequate resources to the City of Newark, and for Cory Booker to return to New Jersey to address this deeply troubling situation.”
Governor Murphy, Newark Mayor Ras Baraka, and Essex County Executive Joe DiVincenzo have scheduled a 10:30 a.m. press conference in Newark to address the lead pipe contamination crisis.
According to NJ Advance Media, DiVincenzo, Jr. will announce "a $120 million bond program on Monday to significantly fast-track Newark’s long-term solution to its lead water crisis."
Meissner issued a release last week declaring his interest in running against Booker, who is up for reelection next year statewide and continues to campaign for the 2020 Democratic nomination for president even though he has failed to crack 1 or 2 percent in most national polls.