Camden County To Reopen County Parks on Saturday May 2


(Camden, NJ) – In accordance with Governor Phil Murphy’s executive order announced earlier today, all county parks will reopen beginning on Saturday, May 2. At the same time, all state parks in New Jersey will reopen, including Wharton State Forest which stretches into the southeastern part of the county.

Pursuant to the governor’s order, playgrounds, pavilions, visitor centers, and restrooms will remain closed. Picnics, organized activities, and team sports will remain prohibited. Parking will be limited to 50 percent capacity in order to ensure social distancing can be maintained. The county will be following these parameters throughout its inventory of greenspace.

“This is welcome news for the thousands of county residents who are eager to enjoy the early spring weather outdoors and in their favorite parks,” said Freeholder Jeff Nash, liaison to the Camden County Parks Department. “It is critical to recognize that although we are all excited for any return to normalcy, this does not change social distancing guidelines intended to prevent the spread and contraction of COVID-19. If you choose to visit a county park, you should wear a mask or face covering, maintain a distance of six feet from others, and avoid anyone who appears to be sick or ill.”

Enforcement of those areas which will remain closed under this order will continue to fall to the Parks Department and local front-line police departments. State Park Police will patrol state park areas to ensure the public is following the governor’s directives.

To learn more about COVID-19 or to find additional resources, go to or visit for updates within Camden County. You can also call 2-1-1 or text NJCOVID at 898-211 for more information.

For updated parks information, please visit the Division of Parks and Forestry’s website:

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