Camden Dems Seeking Bodies to Buttress Boss in Trenton

Carl Golden, senior contributing analyst with the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton University, talks about the escalation of public infighting between Gov. Phil Murphy and George Norcross over the NJEDA Task Force investigations into tax incentives which embodies a political strategy of deny everything and attack.

The Camden County Democratic Committee is coordinating a bus drive-up to Trenton in time for a Monday appearance by South Jersey Power Broker George Norcross III before a legislative panel, according to an email blast to union members and other party types, who evidently will be on hand to fill the room.

Norcross is going to appear before lawmakers next week amid rumbles of an ongoing investigation into the state’s troubled tax incentive program, an episode that gives off a kangaroo court vibe to observers who fear kid-gloves treatment by a committee composed by Norcross’ ally, Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-3).

In the blast, allies of the Camden Dems – an organization built in part by the Norcross brothers, exort friends to drive up to Trenton “yourselves or  buses will be available at the Camden County Headquarters office in Cherry Hill for those who want to do that.”

The reason?

“To show support  for the economic development in the South Jersey area,” according to organization ED Mike Porch.

Per the blasted out schedule, labor rank and file and others who want to make the trek will meet for the bus Monday morning at Camden County Democratic Committee HQ.

Coffee, donuts, and bagels will be provided to anyone taking the bus.

At least one critic of Norcross described it all as a farce, designed to pack the room, squeeze the life out of the opposition, and supply narrative power to a non-public comment cued event controlled by Norcross’ lawmaker pals.

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2 responses to “Camden Dems Seeking Bodies to Buttress Boss in Trenton”

  1. Norcross will use his corrupt editors Jim Walsh of the Courier-Post And Jason ladday and Alex young. All corrupt and dirty
    All received kickbacks

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