Campos-Medina May have Lost the Conventions, but She Decked the Camden Henchmen

Patricia Campos-Medina is not going to win the Democratic primary for Senate. That's the reality.

But she has unwittingly produced one of the defining images of the ongoing campaign.

Thousands across New Jersey - and probably the nation - saw a short video of Campos-Medina trying to enter last week's Camden County Democratic convention.

She is, after all, a candidate.

No matter. A team of guys resembling barroom bouncers - one dude in shades - blocked her entrance.

So there. So much for democracy.

One cannot come up with a more awful image for New Jersey's Democratic power brokers, most of whom backed First Lady Tammy Murphy as soon as she entered the race last November.

Camden, however, is only one part of this puzzle.

In Middlesex County, the convention was closed to the press and from what we've been told, only the vote of the county chair really counted.

With the exception of a secret vote in Bergen County, Murphy has won county endorsements when they were decided by a public vote, a county chair, or a small number of people - a steering committee.

Andy Kim has triumphed at conventions decided by secret ballot.

Add to this, Kim's ongoing federal suit challenging the power of county leaders to draw up primary ballots and the battle lines are clearly drawn.

Sure, it's Kim against Murphy, but it's also the party bosses against rank and file Democrats.

Everyone involved here are Democrats, so what's the big deal?

The big deal is that there are two different goals here.

County leaders live on the power to dole out jobs and to influence political hires. So, they want to please the governor, which is why endorsing his wife for the Senate seemed - at least at the time - as a no-brainer.

But what the power brokers clearly ignored was the strong Kim sentiment among average Dems.


Well, many committee members see Kim as a far superior candidate than Murphy when it comes to experience and the ability to understand and articulate issues. Those things may not matter to county leaders in such places as Camden, Union and Middlesex counties, but they do to many registered Dems.

That explains Kim's success. Polls can be unreliable so far from election day, but besides his many convention wins, Kim has been polling better than the First Lady.

One man who realizes all this is Steve Fulop, the Jersey City mayor and 2025 gubernatorial candidate.

Fulop quickly endorsed Murphy, but now has buyer's remorse. He changed gears a few days ago, retracting that endorsement and pledging to work for Kim.

Which brings up another question. How about some of the Democratic House members and others who reflexively endorsed Murphy? Will they get around to following Fulop's lead?

That remains to be seen, but you wonder how many people looked at Campos-Medina's video and questioned if the Camden County Democratic Committee is the team they want to be on.

Previous comments for: Campos-Medina May have Lost the Conventions, but She Decked the Camden Henchmen

  1. Judy Walker says:

    Well said. Democrats can win without the ugly and undemocratic behavior party bosses employ!

  2. Lisa Bonanno says:

    Somebody had to say it. Thanks, Mr. Snowflake. It’s not about hating on the Murphys or any of the good that has been done. It’s just that no one can take dynastic or machine power lightly anymore. Just look at what our nation has been through since 2016. Look at the nauseating example of Jeff Van Drew. The very last thing we need is Democrats behaving like MAGA Republicans. That shouldn’t be hard to understand!

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