Cape May County Health Department Announces Second Case of Covid-19

The Cape May County Department of Health announces a second positive test result in Cape May County for COVID-19. This individual is a 32-year-old male from Cape May County and is currently isolated at home and recovering.

The Health Department is managing the investigation into individuals in the community who may have been exposed to the virus. Any people determined to have been in close contact with the patient have been identified and are being notified. This department recommends that those individuals self-quarantine for 14 days after the day they were potentially exposed.

The Health Department would like to remind you of basic preventative actions that should be followed during this pandemic. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, please be sure that you:

  • Practice handwashing regularly for at least 20 seconds
  • Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
  • Stay home when you are sick, and avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Keep a distance of at least 6 feet with people who are coughing or sneezing
  • Avoid unnecessary physical contact, such as handshaking
  • Avoid unnecessary travel, attending crowded events and social gatherings

Consider replacing in-person gatherings with video chatting, voice messaging and phone calls. Please note that testing is only available for individuals who are sick. Symptoms include a fever of more than 100.4, coughing, and shortness of breath. The Health Department does not test for COVID-19.Testing can be done through medical providers; contact your healthcare provider to see if you are eligible for testing.

Stay up to date on the current situation as it evolves. Some reliable sources are New Jersey Poison Information and Education System hotline at 1-800-222-1222, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at, the World Health Organization at, the New Jersey Department of Health at . For additional information visit Cape May County Department of Health at

The county announced its first COVID-19 case on Wednesday.

COVID-19 Cases by County as of Friday March 20th at 1:30pm, according to the NJDOH.
Data is provisional and subsequent to revision.

98 Positives Pending Further Information

Bergen County:

249 Positive Test Result(s)

Middlesex County:

76 Positive Test Result(s)

Essex County:

73 Positive Test Result(s)

Hudson County:

66 Positive Test Result(s)

Monmouth County:

53 Positive Test Result(s)

Ocean County:

49 Positive Test Result(s)

Passaic County:

49 Positive Test Result(s)

Union County:

43 Positive Test Result(s)

Morris County:

35 Positive Test Result(s)

Somerset County:

28 Positive Test Result(s)

Mercer County:

22 Positive Test Result(s)

Burlington County:

17 Positive Test Result(s)

Camden County:

11 Positive Test Result(s)

Hunterdon County:

11 Positive Test Result(s)

Atlantic County:

3 Positive Test Result(s)

Gloucester County:

3 Positive Test Result(s)

Sussex County:

3 Positive Test Result(s)

Warren County:

3 Positive Test Result(s)

Cape May County:

1 Positive Test Result(s)

Cumberland County:

1 Positive Test Result(s)

Salem County:

Positive Test Result(s)

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