Caputo Loves Irvington

Assemblyman Ralph Caputo (D-28).

That thing’s bulls-t”,” a powerful New Jersey insider pronounced over the Democratic redistricting team’s map, as party members began trying to decipher what it all means, some of them appeased somewhat by the idea that it is, yes, after all, only an early draft.

That said, the draft’s relocation of Irvington from the 28th District to the 27th District prompted state Senator Dick Codey (D-27) to draft a rejoinder, which he plans to deliver this evening to the redistricting commission.

Codey doesn’t want to lose the Morris County portion of his district in exchange for gaining Irvington.

Simultaneously, Assemblyman Ralph Caputo (D-28) said he doesn’t want to give up Irvington.

“If Codey, doesn’t want Irvington, I do,” Caputo said. “I love Irvington.”


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