Casha Brings in Forbes


Steve Forbes may no longer seem like an active political player, but he's scheduled to come to Kinnelon next month to help the congressional campaign of Larry Casha.

Casha is one of at least six people seeking the Republican nomination to challenge Democrat Mikie Sherrill in CD-11.

The Casha campaign says Forbes' appearance on Feb. 10 is a sure sign "national Republicans have our district on the map."

That could be, but there are also reports that other top-level Republicans are displeased with the current field of candidates and are trying to entice Assemblywoman Aura Dunn of Mendham to get in the race.

As for the Forbes event, tickets are $225 and $1,500 for a VIP Roundtable. For $2,900, you get the Roundtable and a photo.

Forbes is best known politically for presidential campaigns in 1996 and 2000 that were noteworthy for the copious amount of money spent on TV advertising. Other than that, his campaigns, which were built on calls for a flat income tax, as opposed to the current progressive system, never gained traction.

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