Catering Spot in the Crosshairs Following Racist and Hateful Facebook Posts

[caption id="attachment_93945" align="alignnone" width="960"] LaRue[/caption]
Singling out offensive and racist Facebook posts, Mercer County veteran insider Jeannine Frisby LaRue this morning put on notice a popular Mercer County catering spot, and routine go-to destination for special events.
LaRue - who serves as communications director for the New Jersey Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) - noted the Stone Terrace by John Henry’s, whose "owner-operator," according to the page in question, Joseph Russo, posted an image of a white police officer kneeling on the neck of a black man accompanied by the words, "Hey, NFL, here's how."
The post created an uproar on social media, as LaRue made her pointed comment.
"Here is a sage word of counsel to anyone who continues to patronize Stone Terrace with the full knowledge that operator/owner Joe Russo mocked the execution of a man in broad daylight on TV is
complicit in Russo’s act of inhumanity," LaRue wrote on her Facebook page.
"Anyone who continues to patronize Russo with the full knowledge that Russo felt comfortable in putting on blast that Black Lives Matter is bullsh*t is complicit in his act of dehumanizing his fellow citizens. Joseph Russo MUST be sent a clear message that he does not have Black problem with his outrageous, despicable display of indignation; he has a PEOPLE problem.’re not alone in having thoughts of our Forever First Lady (at right) being a maid! Joseph Russo needs an intervention with a human resource specialist to assist him with public relations 101 ‘that while one is in business, one should keep some things to oneself.’ That’s the chapter he missed."
Someone has since deleted 'The Black Lives Matter is bullsh*t' page, and Stone Terrace by John Henry's disavowed the post in a posted statement:
Joseph Russo is the brother-in-law of John Henry, Jr., and identified as recently as 2016 as a partner in the enterprise. InsiderNJ this morning made a call to Stone House by John Henry and left a message on Russo's Stone House by John Henry's voicemail.
Tennile McCoy of Hamilton Twp. joined LaRue in expressing herself about the FB posts.
"Truly sadden by the horrible, irresponsible and reckless statements made by Joseph Russo, owner-
[caption id="attachment_93947" align="alignright" width="150"] McCoy[/caption]
operator of the Stone Terrace at John Henry’s in Hamilton," McCoy said. "These types of callous comments of indifference are no longer an option in response to hate. As a business owner serving a diverse community you are held at a higher standard.
"Furthermore, for The Stone Terrace to turn around and post that they are not aligned with their co-owner, who is also the brother-in-law of John Henry, is an insult to injury and to people’s intelligence. Your actions are disheartening, unacceptable and will not be supported. Today, I will connect with organizations to whom I have affiliation with as a board member to request that we cancel any future events at this establishment. Stone Terrace, I suggest you seek immediate training for your entire staff because if Joseph Russo is this comfortable placing his cruel and moronic opinions on social media he is definitely making this types of comments in the workplace while making others very uncomfortable because of his position of power."
According to Planet Princeton:
Mercer County residents who support racial justice are calling on people to boycott the Hamilton restaurant the Stone Terrace by John Henry, a popular fine dining and catering venue for weddings, business meetings, and political functions.
Area business and non-profit leaders have expressed outrage about Facebook posts by Joseph Russo, the brother-in-law of John Henry. People are planning to picket the Kuser Road restaurant at 6 p.m.