CD-11 Flashpoint: Dunn Done

Women do well in politics these days, but unless something unforeseen happens, the Republican challenger to Mikie Sherrill in CD-11 will be a man.
This afternoon was the deadline set by Laura Ali, the Morris County Republican chair, for congressional candidates to express interest in seeking the party's endorsement at next month's convention.
Only six men are in the race.
Assemblywoman Aura Dunn, who reportedly was urged to get in the race by party bigwigs - fellow Mendham-ite Chrs Christie among them - has opted not to run.
Dunn, who represents the 25th District in Trenton, apparently had been wrestling with the decision. Some sources earlier this week said she was "in," but that wasn't the case. Dunn is familiar with Congress and Washington, which is one reason some saw her as a good candidate. Previously, she was a lobbyist and then an aide to Rep. Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, who represented the district for 24 years before not running again in 2018.
The actual filing deadline to get on the June primary ballot is not until April 4, so Dunn and anyone else can file by then. But whoever files just before the deadline will miss the chance to get the endorsement of the Morris and Essex Republican organizations. Passaic Republicans have endorsed Paul DeGroot, a retired prosecutor in Passaic County.
Others in the race are Toby Anderson, an Iraq War veteran, Larry Casha, who represents Morris on the state GOP committee, Larry Friscia, a lawyer who speaks of taking on the "big banks," Robert Kovic, an "America First" Republican and Tayfun Selen, a Morris County Commissioner.
Of that group, Casha and Selen would appear to have the advantage with Morris committee members, who are insiders by definition.
Republicans are excited this year, as evidenced by the multiple candidates.
But Sherrill won by almost 30,000 votes in 2020 and redistricting has made CD-11 more Democratic. Among other changes, the district lost GOP terrain in Sussex County and picked up strong Democratic towns like Maplewood and South Orange.
The Cook Political Report rates the district as solid Democratic, but incongruously perhaps, gives Sherrill only a 5-point advantage.