CD-7 Post Mortem

The election in CD-7 hadn't officially been called this morning, but in some ways it was "called" last December.
That's when Democrats - yes, Democrats - pushed through a new redistricting map that transformed the district from leaning a bit "blue" to leaning a bit "red."
Tom Malinowski had that in mind when he addressed supporters late Tuesday night in Garwood.
"There is no question that we would be winning hands down in the original district," he said.
The original district included strong Democratic towns like Millburn in Essex and Dover in Morris. They moved elsewhere and Malinowski picked up more of deep red Sussex and Warren counties.
That was too much to overcome.
Tom Kean Jr. is ahead by 14,000 votes. There are still votes to be counted, but not enough to give Malinowski a realistic path to victory. The incumbent conceded earlier today.
Malinowski won Union County by about 13,000 and essentially tied Kean in Somerset. But in the district's four other counties - Hunterdon, Morris, Sussex and Warren, he lost by at least 10 points in each one.
As Tuesday night moved into Wednesday morning, Malinowski bravely talked about where his campaign came from.
"You know, this campaign was written off a year ago," he said.
Was he referencing the press or party leaders? The guess here is the latter.
The congressman said the campaign was still standing - officially, that is - late on Election Night because of hundreds of volunteers. And looking to a House presumably to be run by Republicans, Malinowski said no matter what they do, they will be unable to nullify Democratic achievements in regard to lowering drug prices, supporting the nation's microchip industry, funding the Gateway Tunnel and preserving the Affordable Care Act.
And if they try, he said Joe Biden will get out his veto pen.
The contrasts in how Kean and Malinowski campaigned were almost legendary.
In short, Malinowski was accessible; Kean was not.
The congressman said he took pride in doing it the "right way," rather than "hiding" from the press and general public.
Malinowski is a cerebral sort. It was fitting that he wrapped things up with some philosophy.
Democracy is not easy, he said.
"You need patience. You need staying power. You have to understand there will be temporary setbacks."
Kean just a few minutes ago posted a note on his Facebook page thanking Malinowski for his "years of public service and for his vigorous campaign." He added that the election has given him "an opportunity to change the course of history." And Kean pledged to serve with integrity and always be willing to listen to and learn from his constituents.
Reflecting again on redistricting, Dem party leaders apparently were content with a congressional map reading 9-3 in their favor, and that's what they are going to get.
So, to that end, their plan worked, as cynical as it was.
None of the other districts in the state were competitive.
Republicans were excited about a massive "red wave" putting the careers of Andy Kim. Josh Gottheimer and even Frank Pallone in jeopardy.
None of that happened. Unofficially, Pallone won by 15 points, Kim by 11 and Gottheimer by 9.
And in CD-11, Mikie Sherrill won by 17 points; she carried once reliably-Republican Morris County by almost 6,000 votes. This was the third time she's won Morris.
Republican Paul DeGroot filed a defamation suit against Sherrill a few days before the election, alleging she was running misleading campaign ads.
Passions must have been still high at the state GOP's election night gathering.
It was reported by Politico that Bob Hugin, the state Republican chair, called Sherrill a "piece of s... congresswoman."
Full disclosure: Hugin, like me, grew up in Union City, where one quickly picked up such verbiage playing stickball, touch football and the like.
But this probably wasn't the place for it.
Jackie Burns, Sherrill's campaign manager, went to Twitter to advise Hugin to "stay classy."
Mr. Snowflack, I know this will be difficult for you as yet another agenda driven activist Democrat masquerading as a fair & balanced "journalist" but do YOU really think New Jersey is fairly Represented by a 10-2 or now 9-3 Democrat delegation in the DC Swamp??? Really??? Is your fair & balanced "journalistic" mind so diluted with blue kool-aid that you can't comprehend the ever worsening Gerrymandered Map put in place by the almighty D's in their ever increasing LUST for more power & control over everyone's lives??? AND a "District" Map that is protected in perpetuity by an ideological NJ Supreme Court. As the NY Supremes did with their disgraceful "map" the NJ Supremes should have tossed the map into the Hudson while visiting charming Hudson County the cesspool of corrupt NJ Dem politics. Maybe remove those Blue beer goggles and you'll see it from the middle of the road "journalism" perspective instead of the left shoulder of the road you seem to regularly travel on . Let's review my "new" District #6 compliments of the never satisfied corrupt Dem powerbrokers. I've lived in NJ my whole life, First votes for Chris Smith & Ronald Reagan. Two Statesman that would run circles around my NEW Rep Frank Pallone, one of the most far-left "Progressives" on the planet. Obviously far out of tune with Monmouth & Ocean constituents. So them D's draw up one of the most ridiculous "districts" I've ever seen to SAVE his sorry a$$ seat. He is one of the worst examples of a do nothing career Political hack. His famous "accomplishments for his monmouth County constituents are losing tens of thousands of jobs at Ft. Monmouth & ATT Bell Labs and all the related small biz R&D and services. But NO got to save his seat!! So let's combine his shore roots District with friggin New Brunswick & heavy union blue Middlesex. WTH does Rutgers U & Middlesex have to do with us here at the Jersey Shore??? Yet those genius D's that obviously failed Geography linked us up!! I live in Bradley Beach, Mr. Snowflack and I get to New Brunswick about every TEN years sir, yet I share a "common voting District" with them. Pathetic.
In hindsight, it appears that the Democratic redistricting map gave too many votes to Mikie and took too many away from Malinowski, who ran a far superior campaign on the issues. With more Rs than Ds in the new district, Kean was able to lay low and capitalize on his father’s name recognition.
Mr. Snowflack, I enjoyed your baseball analogy as the results started to come in Tuesday evening. You must be a Mets fan.
Tom M was never charged with inside trading . Tom Kean should never use the word integrity when talking about himself. He does not know the meaning of the word.
For the record Tom M was never charged with inside trading. Tom Kean should never use the word integrity when talking about himself. HE DOES NOT KNOW THE MEANING OF THE WORD
Sadly we have lost one of the hardest working , most accessible and intelligent Congressmen in Nj . Losing Tom Malinowski is a gut punch but hopefully he will continue to serve us in other ways. Not very hopeful that the elusive Tom Kean Jr. will be as effective for New Jerseyan’s as he has not done much at all in the state house.
Congratulation to Tom Kean Jr on his NJ CD7 win.
It was the insider trading scandal that hurt Malinowski.