CD-7 Sheriffs Back Sue Altman in New Ad

This morning, Sue Altman released a new ad in the hypercompetitive Cook Political Report Toss-Up race for New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District.

The ad showcases law enforcement leaders who have decided to back Altman over incumbent Republican Congressman Tom Kean, Jr. – including Somerset County Sheriff Darrin Russo and Union County Sheriff Peter Corvelli – representing the two largest counties of NJ-07.

Rejecting Tom Kean, Jr.’s “dishonest attacks and lies,” these law enforcement leaders support Altman’s vision for comprehensive public safety – which includes fully funding police departments so they can invest in the training, recruitment, and equipment they need, standing against the rise of hate crimes and holding perpetrators accountable, and getting dangerous firearms off our streets to keep our communities safe.

Voters have the opportunity for new leadership they can trust and be proud of with Sue as their next Congresswoman.

“She’s got a plan to get us the resources we need,” said Sheriff Corvelli.

“She’s got a plan, backed by law enforcement like me, to get guns off the street and to keep our communities safe,” said Sheriff Russo.

Altman comes from a family of law enforcement, with both her uncle and great-grandfather serving in police departments on Long Island. Sue’s uncle, Detective (ret.) Craig Copius, is featured in the new ad. The candidate grew up in Clinton, and says she is dedicated to putting taxpayers, working people, and our communities ahead of partisan politics.

Tom Kean, Jr.’s hypocrisy on public safety is well-recorded. As a Christie ally in Trenton, Kean, Jr. voted for budget cuts that led to police layoffs across the state. Kean, Jr. voted for a Christie-backed pension reform bill that has left retired police officers without a cost-of-living adjustment since 2011. And in Congress, he voted for a radical budget that threatened massive cuts across the government, including to federal law enforcement agencies.

Kean, Jr. has made it his brand to dodge reporters and avoid questions, which has been noted on countless occasions. He shields himself from direct engagement with his constituents – many of whom are curious about his endorsement of Donald Trump on the same day the former President was indicted by a jury on 34 felony charges and his refusal to support a bipartisan bill to protect IVF access from extremist state legislatures.

Altman has made clear that lowering costs for working families, securing our reproductive rights and fundamental freedoms, keeping our communities safe, and fighting corruption on both sides of the aisle will be her top priorities as she looks to represent and fight for the people of NJ-07 in Washington.

“Seen it All”
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