CD11 Flashpoint: Corrado and DeCroce Blast Webber's Vote Against Pay Equity

State Sen. Kristin Corrado (R-40) and Assemblywomen BettyLou DeCroce (R-26) tonight blasted Assemblyman Jay Webber's (R-26) vote against the Woman's pay equity bill. Webber was one of only two votes against the bill, the other being Michael Patrick Carroll (R-25).
Corrado and DeCroce said Webber's vote does not represent the majority of Republican's - both male and female - who support pay equity.
"As a legislator, it's our job to put people before politics, and in the case of New Jersey's hard working women, ensure that they are treated equally. According to the National Women's Law Center, 'women in New Jersey make 81 cents for every dollar paid to men.' Which is why I'm baffled that Jay Webber, a sitting member of the Assembly, would not only vote against equal pay for equal work, but claim that we already have it. It defies logic," said Corrado. "I'm proud to stand up in support of the Equal Pay bill and believe that we need elected officials in Trenton and Washington who will always put people before politics. Today, Jay Webber failed the women of New Jersey.”
"The fact that Assemblyman Webber cannot publicly recognize and support the concept that women are entitled to be paid equally to their male counterparts is disappointing, " said DeCroce. "I want to assure everyone that Assemblyman Webber's position does not represent the values of our state or our Republican Party. I'm not sure Assemblyman Webber recognizes the fact that times have changed in America and that the Republican Party stands for equal treatment of women in the workplace."
DeCroce continued, saying "work is not a hobby for women. There are many women in this state who head households and who are counted on to bring home a fair and decent salary to support children and elderly parents. This bill supports those women. There are many middle class families in New Jersey that need two incomes to survive. And that means they are depending on a woman to bring home a paycheck that reflects her value and contribution to her family and to her employer. "
Are you entirely certain that those who benefit most from this legislation are not the career trial lawyers of America?
Webber and Carroll are so out of touch with the people they represent. Votes need to remember come election day. It is time to clean house and get rid of these career politicians.