CD11 Flashpoint: Webber Aims Rhetorical Fire At Sherrill

Defending his vote against pay equity legislation yesterday, LD26 Assemblyman Jay Webber fired a statement aimed at presumptive CD11 Democratic candidate Mikie Sherrill today, saying that the presumptive nominee will 'blow with Washington winds' and will be a 'pawn of Nancy Pelosi' who ;doesn't know the difference between real leadership' and a 'run-with-the-pack mentality that only seeks affirmation and safety in a crowd.'

Sherrill had issued a statement taking Webber to task over his vote yesterday,  saying 'he is out of step with the people of New Jersey and not the type of leader we want in Trenton or deserve in Washington'.

Webber said 'our campaign won't be lectured about caring for women in the workforce - in fact, we welcome the debate', saying that yesterday's bill was unnecessary since it's already the law of the land, and its enactment would lead to more junk lawsuits and hurt small businesses.  


Read Insider NJ's interview with Webber here and see his two statements below:


Previous comments for: CD11 Flashpoint: Webber Aims Rhetorical Fire At Sherrill

  1. Joseph Blaettler says:

    He is afraid of his republican primary challenger and feels the need to prove he is as far right as they come in hopes of winning the primary. Webber is out of touch with the 11th.

  2. Altaira_Jade says:

    He voted against equal pay for women then lies about Mikie. I say he is afraid of strong women!

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