CD11 Flashpoint: Webber Opposes Equal-Pay-for-Women Bill

Assemblyman Jay Webber (R-26) was one of two nay votes on the equal pay bill vote this afternoon.
The other was fellow Morris County lawmaker Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll (R-25).
Webber is running in the District 11 Congressional Primary for the seat currently occupied by retiring U.S. Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-11).
He explained his position.
"Equal pay for equal work is the law of the land," the assemblyman told InsiderNJ. "This bill is going to hurt women. I'm the grandson of two working moms, the husband of a Harvard-educated lawyer and the father of four daughters. I welcome a discussion as to the priorities of women in the work force. This bill does not advance those interests. It's counter-productive.
"I represent incredibly well informed smart voters," added Webber, who trusts voters in CD11 will see through the legislation. "In any event my job in Trenton is not to have my finger in the wind, it’s to do my best to benefit our state’s job climate and the workers of New Jersey."