CD2 Flashpoint: Grossman Hits Back, Says NRCC Needs New Leadership In Tune With Trump Era

Somers Point, NJ - Republican Congressional candidate Seth Grossman today hit back at NRCC Chair Steve Stivers and said that Stivers should resign over his failure to support Pro-Trump candidates -- a trend that if continued would lead to Democrats taking House control in the Fall election.
"Instead of calling on me to get out of the race, the NRCC should support candidates who support the President’s Agenda. They should stop giving ammo to the radical left to use against Republican candidates," Grossman said. “Steve Stivers should resign immediately for failure to support the President and his Agenda.”
Grossman, a strong Trump supporter and thorn in the side to the GOP Establishment, doubled down on attacks against him this week.
"These silly attacks are simply bizarre to both friend and foe who have known me for decades here in Atlantic County," Grossman said. "I've been an outspoken opponent of racism and anti-Semitism for decades -- everyone knows that. But what is just crazy is how the National Republican Party is freaking out over sharing a post from Allen West, a retired Black Army Commander,” declared Seth.
“In 2014, the same Media Matters falsely attacking me, led the call to protest our police officers, leading to many of their deaths,” Grossman said. “Republican leaders in Washington, and career politicians like Jeff Van Drew, should apply the same standards to those whose false and hateful generalizations helped cause the deaths of 126 police officers in 2016.”
"Republicans have to stop worrying about offending people and start telling the truth about some of the problems we have in this country," Grossman said. "President Trump won because he recognized what 17 other Republican candidates and the NRCC chair didn't see – that Americans want straight talk, not weak and timid career politicians afraid to tell the truth."