CD2’s Singh: ‘Mueller Should be Fired Immediately’

Billing himself as a pro-Trump conservative and in the frontrunner position following his performance during the convention season, Linwood engineer Hirsh Singh supports President Donald J. Trump’s firing of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller.

Not next week.


“Mueller should be fired immediately,” Singh told InsiderNJ.

A day after the FBI raided the office of Trump’s lawyer, the CD2 Republican frontrunner decried the federal investigation spearheaded by Mueller.  

“This has nothing to do with Russia – which was why this unending investigation began,” Singh said. “The FBI failed to stop domestic terrorists in California and Florida after being notified by residents, yet they storm the office and the home of the President’s longtime lawyer over salacious news stories.  The priorities of the FBI are all wrong and the special council itself is arguably treasonous being comprised of 13 Clinton donors scheming to find any little thing they can use to topple the President.”

Singh and CD2 Republican rival Seth Grossman both support Mueller’s firing, while a third candidate in the primary, former FBI Special Agent Robert “Turk” Turkavage,” does not.

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