CD4 Flashpoint: Democratic Primary Candidate Jim Keady Drops Out


CD4 Democratic primary candidate Jim Keady has dropped out of race.

He had faced intense scrutiny at a town hall last week regarding his personal life, and discussed it in his announcement, saying he 'made a horrible mistake by sending the aforementioned email in response to rumors about my personal life that I learned were being circulated. Responding the way that I did was foolish and unworthy of the community I have sought to serve. I allowed my anger, my pain and my ego to get the best of me. I am deeply sorry and ashamed of my actions'.  Keady said he's donating his campaign donations to several women's organizations.

Keady, who ran two years ago in the district, was vying for the party's nomination to face incumbent GOP Rep. Chris Smith this year.  The primary season has already been volatile, with former candidate Tiffany Kaszuba dropping out last month, while Stephanie Schmid secured the backing of the Monmouth Dems' screening committee.

Keady, a former Asbury Park Councilman and self-styled progressive, rose to progressive prominence during former Governor Christie's tenure, when the Republican told him to 'sit down and shut up' when Keady pressed him at a town hall event.

His full statement:

Today I am ending my campaign for the Democratic nomination for Congress in NJ’s 4th District.

I want to apologize to my supporters, my friends, and the people who I have hurt in recent days. I want to specifically and sincerely apologize to Ms. Kate Triggiano, Ms. Robyn Gedrich, Ms. Tracey Buckley, and Ms. Robin Nowicki. The tone and tenor of the email I sent to you on December 11, 2019 was wrong, and the sharing of our private communications was a terrible error in judgment. I also want to apologize to Ms. Jennifer Fluharty, Ms. Liz DeBeer, Ms. Susan Boyce, Ms. Anna Marta Visky, and Ms. Marianne Clemente for copying you on the email. You did not deserve to be dragged into this, and I am sorry for the pain and inconvenience it has caused you.

For those reading this who may be unsure of what is going on, I made a horrible mistake and by sending the aforementioned email in response to rumors about my personal life that I learned were being circulated. Responding the way that I did was foolish and unworthy of the community I have sought to serve. I allowed my anger, my pain and my ego to get the best of me. I am deeply sorry and ashamed of my actions.

I am listening to the women I have hurt, and to the women I have lost as friends over this. And I am also listening to the women who still support me. To the women I hurt with that email, again, I am sorry. I have ideas as to how I can make amends for this mistake, and I welcome suggestions to this end. I also apologize to the supporters and friends who I have lost and disappointed. And to those who continue to support me, I appreciate your support, but I have to own up to this mistake. I am sorry for letting you down.

For those who have made contributions to my campaign, my plan is to donate the money equally to the Women’s March, 180-Turning Lives Around, and the Sunrise Movement. If you were a donor and have an issue with this, please contact me and we can make arrangements for a refund.

I wish all the candidates luck as they continue their campaigns. This nation needs their drive, dedication and talents now more than ever.

Peace, JWK

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