CD5 Flashpoint: Trump Adviser and 2017 Guv Candidate Steve Rogers Backs McCann

Nutley Commissioner Steve Rogers today endorsed attorney John McCann in the 5th Congressional DIstrict GOP Primary.
A retired U.S. Navy Intelligence Officer and Nutley Police Lieutenant who currently serves as a Commissioner in his hometown of Nutley, Rogers served as Chairman of the New Jersey Trump-Pence and serves on the advisory board for Donald J. Trump For President Advisory Board.
“I do not go out and endorse people that easy,” Rogers said, “but this election is so important to the President of the United States and to the Make American Great Again agenda we need someone running for office who we know can win.”
McCann reveled in the endorsement.
“It is truly an honor to receive the endorsement of Steve Rogers,” said the candidate. “From his military service, to his law enforcement service, his service to his community as a Commissioner, and now his service again to our country as the Chairman of New Jersey Trump-Pence, Steve Rogers is an American hero and I am grateful for his support.”
Rogers last year placed fifth in a field of five gubernatorial candidates competing in the Republican Primary.
His fellow Trump diehard, state Senator Mike Doherty (R-23), backs McCann's rival in the CD5 Republican Primary tilt: former Bogota Mayor (and fellow movement conservative) Steve Lonegan.
Mike Doherty represents District 23.